Chapter 10

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Maryiel sat with her legs crossed in the atrium of the tremendous ice palace on an old wooden chair. Snogies ran amuck by her feet in all directions. She smirked at their antics as she fumbled with the various jewelry around her neck. It would not be long now, still she was beginning to become impatient. She could feel the immense magic power emanating just underneath her. She thought of looking into her crystal ball again to see how soon Jace would arrive with their tool, but she decided to stay put. She wanted to be the first thing to behold in the center of the room when they did arrive. The cavernous space was occupied by many of the various items she kept in her cart. Archaic and crude wooden furniture was set up in a small circle around her. The tables were strewn with various artifacts of interest, and thick tomes with magical runes adorning their covers. The snogies wandered curiously about the home base set up. It was comical at first, but now Maryiel was growing less fond of their mischief. Marshmallow sat against a far corner docile under the power of a mind control spell. Maryiel looked him over and smirked again in appreciation of her dutiful servant. A short time later the massive double doors thundered open, letting in intrusive light from the sun. Maryiel could see only two small dark figures at first. She waited in anticipation as they grew closer and more vivid in her sight. It was Jace followed closely by Elsa. They both looked weary from their journey. "Welcome your Majesty, I've been expecting you, though I fear it is not my place to grant you hospitality in your own Chambers" Maryiel said wryly. "She isn't much for conversation I'm afraid. And I don't think you want me to vocalize exactly what she is thinking right now." Jace responded. Elsa furrowed her brow and took a deep breath. If this was happening she would at least have her dignity. A part of her almost wanted to hang on to what little hope Jace gave her, but under the microscope of this wicked woman's vision she knew better. "I can speak thank you very much. If it is all the same can we skip the pleasantries and get to the point?" Elsa tried to sound in control of her tone, for lack of being in control of her powers. Still nothing she cursed to herself. "Very well, Queen. You must be dying to learn why we have gone through the trouble of bringing you to this place. The answer is simple. We need you to use your power to thaw the ice here, and by here I mean under us. You see this mountain is a bit of a natural palace of it's own. Their is a great force here that I wish to acquire, but the natural caverns are blocked with a nasty sort of ice. It is magical in much the same way yours is. My theory is that due to this fact you should have no trouble removing the obstacles. If you can succeed in this task you will be free to go. If you fail- " Maryiel explained grimly before Jace cut her off. "The sister. If she should fail her own life has no value to her if her sister's would be made to subsist." Elsa's whole body jerked when she heard his words. He was no less heartless than the woman in front of her. She felt ashamed she even entertained the thought that he might have been honest with her. "I will do as you say without regard for my own life. If Anna's life is on the line I've no choice but to succeed. Just answer me this. What is this power you seek?" Elsa raised her voice in certainty that she would protect her sister at all costs. Maryiel smiled wickedly. "For that I am glad, but I'm afraid you wouldn't understand what it is I seek. I will say it once more. If you do as I ask you will be set free, and no harm shall come to you, your sister, or your kingdom. If I'm being very clear I believe it is time for the next phase, shall we?" Maryiel Rose from her creaking chair and beckoned the two forward. The snogies continued to run haplessly all around, paying no mind to Elsa, their creator. Out of the corner of her eye Elsa saw Marshmallow sitting oblivious to his surroundings. More magic, she thought. Just because, she tried to call on her power once more. Nothing. She heard a familiar voice in her head. "I know you won't fail, don't resist and I will see that you remain safe."

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