Chapter 12

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By this point Anna had traveled all morning. She held her cloak close to her face as the wind picked up. She was climbing the north mountain alone. She couldn't remember why she was here, but she could see an immaculate ice palace in the distance. She had no idea how such an impossible thing could exist, but it seemed as though that was her destination. She knew whatever it was she needed to do was important and that she would hopefully figure it out when she arrived. She continued forward intent on understanding what was going on. She could hear a strange voice in here head suddenly. "There you are. I should have known you would try to come here. I guess that makes my job easier." No sooner than Anna registered the mind mage's presence in her head did she register that he was upon her. In fact she was surrounded by multiple copies of him. Jace's eyes glowed blue as he approached the confused and distressed princess. Anna instinctively turned to run from this sudden threat, but there was no chance of escape. Half a dozen Jaces grabbed her before she could even react. "Let go! Who are you, and why are there so many of you!" Anna shouted desperately. "This will be a lot easier if you don't struggle. I'd rather not use more mind control on you if I don't have to... Wait you don't remember me, huh, I guess that mind control spell had some side effects. It looks like your memories are almost completely gone. I'm surprised you made it this far kid. Sorry about that. I don't think I can fix your mind at this point... Hopefully it won't complicate our plans." Jace's voice rang in Anna's ears. She couldn't fight this strange being, still she struggled to escape. She clung on to her last fleeting memories of Elsa for comfort. It was getting harder and harder to make out. Despite her efforts she found herself being man handled the rest of the way to the ice palace. By the time they arrived Anna couldn't even remember Elsa's name. Nothing about her, or Kristoff, or Olaf. She was not only helpless and at the mercy of her captors she was also clueless as to what they wanted from her. As they entered the main chamber Jace lead her past the makeshift base Maryiel had set up. They came upon Elsa's prison. Jace opened the door to find Elsa was hunched in a corner. Her make up was smeared from tears that had since dried. She looked up weakly, dreading the imminent interaction. Then she saw Anna. She jumped up and ran to her sister. Anna didn't react to Elsa at all. She went to pull away when Elsa tried to pull her into a deep hug. Elsa began to get worried something was very wrong.
"Anna it's me! I'm so sorry this is all my fault. I love you so much."
Anna replied with a blank face, "I'm sorry but do I know you? I can't remember who you are or why I am here." Elsa's eyes shot to meet Jace's gaze. "What did you do to my sister." She spoke grimly. "It seems there was some collateral damage from my mind control spell. I didn't intend for this to happen, but I'm afraid I can't reverse it. I figured I could at least afford you two a few minutes of peace to come to terms with it." Jace tried to sound slightly remorseful, but Elsa wasn't buying it. Before she could retort he backed out the door and locked the two sisters in alone. Elsa forced Anna into a hug this time. She grabbed at Anna all over, tears beginning to well in her eyes once again. "Oh, Anna this is all my fault." "I'm so sorry." Elsa was sick to her stomach. Finally she was in Anna's arms but her sister didn't remember who she was. "Anna accepted the contact, she was more confused than anything. "Why are you sorry? We are both prisoners here. That man is to blame." "I should have never touched you! I'm such a wicked selfish monster. It's my fault we are in this situation. Anna I'm your sister, oh God, how could I have done that!? And how could I have thought that you wanted to. I can't live with this Anna I'm so sorry." "Live with what." Anna was becoming concerned, but she still had no idea what to think. "You can't remember, I guess that's a good thing. I'm not sure if you would accept me if you knew." "What is it?" "I can't tell you. I'm sorry, but it doesn't matter now and I can't bare the weight of the words upon my lip. I'm so sorry Anna." Elsa wept in her sisters arms. Tears were flooding from her eyes, she was desperate and crazy with remorse. Anna couldn't think to do anything other than hold her supposed, erratic, sister. At the very least for the moment they were together. 

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