Chapter 9

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Elsa had tried blocking out the thought of Anna at first. It was comforting to think of her sister, but she knew her thoughts were not private. She remained silent for much of the time she spent traveling with her captor. After a while though it seemed pointless to try to empty her mind. Was she going to live long enough to regret her own private thoughts anyway? Jace led her across the scenic landscape. By this point they had hit high enough elevation for snow to be falling lightly. It was a small comfort to Elsa, the cold never bothered her. Jace had tried to speak with her at few times, but Elsa didn't give him much to run with. He seemed to get the message. After a night of being forced to sleep with a spell, Elsa was in no better mood. She felt like a lamb going to slaughter, but at least she was doing it to protect Anna. The sun was done rising as the pair walked one after the other through the desolate terrain at the base of the mountain. If anything, Jace was dutiful. He was carrying out his mission professionally, but even he was beginning to tire from the silence. "I take it you know where we are going by this point" he said casually. Elsa did not reply, but that didn't matter. She knew, which meant that he knew she knew. "That's right, the North Mountain. Did you ever wonder why you were drawn there after you fled Arendelle?" Elsa remained silent. She didn't care what he had to say, only what he was going to do with her." "Relax. I told you I don't intend to hurt you. If all goes well your power will grant our desire, and you can be on your way without any memory of ever leaving Arendelle. Their is something inside the mountain that is very valuable to us, but it's locked up in a whole lot of ice. That is where you come in." "I suppose I'm going to be a part of this conversation whether I like to or not." Elsa said mockingly. "Their is nothing wrong with a little small talk. I've honestly gotten bored of reading your memories. So many years in isolation. No excitement, just duty and caution. It reminds me of my own childhood." He was right. Elsa had hardly lived at all until that faithful night of her coronation. And now that she was finally free, this man had come and snatched it away. If only she hadn't been attracted to her sister, maybe things could have been different. "These powers are a gift and a curse. At least I can always escape to another world... I don't think you should be ashamed of your feelings for Anna." Elsa's head jerked up. She had let her guard down and thought about Anna yet again. "I guess their is no point in hiding it. I deserve this." Elsa said feebly. "I have breached the minds of many: Good people, bad people, monsters. You are the prior. It's not only that though, I can read minds and memories, but also the feelings behind them. The way you feel about your sister may not be acceptable on this world, but in all my travels I've yet to experience such an intense burning passion for someone else. I guess that's why I sent her to you. Call me a romantic, I could care less if you're sisters, hell I've seen a lot worse some places." Elsa wrapped her arms around her torso. The wind wasn't as bad as the night, but still carried a few gusts. The conversation wasn't making her feel any better, but then again she was a prisoner in her own mind. "You might think you understand my feelings, but how if you've never experienced them yourself?" Elsa said sharply. "I was in love once. I had to let her go though. It was for her own safety. I understand the sacrifice you're making here. I would do the same, which is why I'm choosing to keep you out of harm's way. You will do well to remember that." Jace furrowed his brow. He was not thrilled by the Ice queen's equally icy demeanor. Then again she was a prisoner, torn from the loving arms of her sister. He let out a sigh. "Let's pick up the pace. Maryiel is waiting for us in your ice palace." The two marched forward between the rocks. It wouldn't be long before they reached the beautiful icy stair case Elsa had created. She winced at the thought of her ice palace being used by a wicked sorceress. And what of Marshmallow and the snoogies? Did it really matter. She couldn't trust this man, and he knew that for the simple fact that she thought it. She didn't think she would be a match for him even if she could use her powers. She clung to the thought of Anna now, so what if he was listening in, like the snow falling around them it was a small comfort.

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