Chapter 8

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The sun had set hours ago. As Anna and her friends pushed forward north, the wind picked up. The gusts slammed into their bodies and shook everything they were carrying. Kristoff had asked his adopted mother Bulda to look after their horses, he knew they wouldn't survive these conditions. Even Sven looked to be tired after the long hours they had pushed through to get this far. They were now huddled close together moving at a snail's pace as they continued to be harassed by the gale. Suddenly one of Olaf's stick arms came off, and was carried away by the force of the wind. "Oh dear, there goes another one." Olaf said, his normal enthusiasm hindered by the rough environment. Finally Kristoff had enough. Even if time was of the essence, he knew they wouldn't make it much longer like this unless they found shelter. "Anna we have to find shelter. We can continue in the morning." Anna trudged forward. Her hand guarding her face. She may have brought a fur lined coat, but it wasn't helping to warm her in the dead of night. She couldn't see two feet in front of herself. Still she took a step, and another, and then she fell. "Anna!" Kristoff leapt into action helping Anna lift herself up. They were exhausted. It was time to find shelter. "Olaf I need you to search around the rock outcrops ahead for some kind of shelter. Sven buddy how are you doing? Can you manage with Anna on your back, it'll just be a little longer." Sven blew air out of his nose in agreement. Olaf slid ahead in the snow holding him self together haphazardly with his remaining stick arm. Kristoff slung Anna over Sven's back, and they followed. The princess was on the verge of passing out. What were they thinking traveling in this? "Hey guys, I don't know if this helps, but there is a cave up ahead." Olaf shouted out from a distance. The party caught up and entered the cave. It was pitch black, but the wind was blocked at least. Kristoff lit the oil lantern he had brought. The walls came to life with the dancing of the flame. Shadows were cast mischievously around their little circle. Kristoff laid Anna in the middle and buried her in whatever blanket or cloth they had that might warm her up. Sven and Olaf curled up next to her. "I'll take first watch." Kristoff said dutifully. "We're safe for now but their could be wolves." Soon the travels of the day had Kristoff too exhausted to keep his eyes open. He turned in with the rest of them and drifted to sleep. The next morning Anna awoke in much the same way as she did the day before. Where was she? Where was Arendelle? And Elsa? And who were these strangers she had slept next to? She carefully stood up and shook herself awake. She was in a cave with a man and a reindeer. She tried to think. "That's right. I was going to save Elsa. They must have helped me by giving me shelter for the night." She whispered to herself as not to wake them. Anna tip toed out of the cave into the sunlight. It was early. She thought about waking the man to thank him, but she didn't want to disturb him, besides she had no time to waste. The North mountain was close now, and Elsa was there she was certain of that, or at least she hoped. Anna started on her lonely journey with one last glance back to the cave. Hopefully there were more nice people out there to help her, she couldn't remember ever having a friend besides Elsa. Hours passed and Kristoff slowly woke up. He rose and wiped his face. "Alright sleepy head, we better get going, rise and shine." Kristoff grabbed the mess of blankets and coats on the ground and pulled it aside. That's when he realized Anna wasn't there. Shocked he looked around frantically. "Olaf, Sven! Where is Anna?" Olaf sauntered into the mouth of the cave humming a tune. Kristoff gave him an angry look. Olaf dropped the bundle of sticks he was carrying, and started to whimper. "I'm guessing I wasn't supposed to let Anna leave by that look on your face." "She left! Why didn't you wake me I could have stopped her. She'll die out there on her own!" Kristoff was shouting out of frustration. Olaf looked down. "I'm sorry, I was trying to find a new left arm when I saw her. I figured she would be here when I got back. "Well this just keeps getting better. If you want to be useful why don't you go back to Arendelle, and tell someone that Anna and Elsa are in trouble." Kristoff let off a little bit, but their was still a shortness in his tone. "Sven let's go. We have to catch up to Anna before her memory gets any worse." If we don't get her to the North Mountain we might lose her forever." The two set out immediately. Olaf was left still looking down. He felt like screwing up was his tradition. He let Elsa go, and he let Anna go. "I'll just have to get it right next time! Yes! I'll go back to Arendelle and recruit a hundred men... Which way is Arendelle again?" He sighed and tried to retrace the way they had come.

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