Sweet release....of Coffee.

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It turned out that Elijah ended up selling her to an undercover cop and led them to his lab which was now getting raided.

Gavin still couldn't see and growled hissing as Conan instructed Conner what to do. Conan had sat infront of the cage placing his hand through one of the bars on Gavins tail. Gavin flinched and moved his tail hissing but missing the warmth it brought. Tina had transformed back into her faunus form. "Gavin...please...you have to trust Conan....or at least one other person.." Gavin growled in response before slowly crawling over and allowing Conan to touch him.

Conan pat Gavins head, earning him a soft barely audible purr, and gave Gavin a large white blue and black hoodie. Gavin, with Tina's help, put the hoodie on, distracting from them moving the crate into a car.

The animals had been taken to a vet hospitals and would be released, while the humans and faunus were taken to a hospital.

The people who still weren't part animal would be released from the hospital. Gavin was the only one that they had to really worry about. The rain had begun to pour as they loaded the cage into a car. Most squad cars stayed behind for investigations but Conan, Conner, Hank, and Tina had driven to the department drop off information.

They left as thunder and lightning started making Gavin whine and start to cry due to the intensity. Tina had calmed him down for the most part hoping he would survive until they made it to his and Conan's house.

---------------------Time Skip----------------------

Conner and Hank had gone back to work while Conan and Tina took care of Gavin who still wouldn't move from his cage. His tail down and red, the first color to appear in ages.

"Gavin pleaseeeeee? He wont hurt you!! They saved me and he was the one who found you in the first place!!" Gavin gave Conan a glance as he sat down next to Tina, placing a cup of hot chocolate infront of him.

Gavin, seeing the cup, thinking it was coffee, lunged at it, grabbed it, and drank the scolding liquid. Tina closed the gate to the cage immediately locking Gavin out.

They had already gotten Gavins chains and shock collars off without him complaining thanks to Tina. Gavin had spun back around to go back in back was alarmed that it was closed.

He let out of string of curses before being picked up and gently placed onto a soft warm bed. Gavin went to scream but relaxed and laid down. "...I'm not tired..." he mumbled despite being very drowsy.

Conan smirked. "You know detective you always say that and you always end up entirely wrong. You should sleep, we could keep you company if you want."

Gavin didn't trust him especially because he was an android that could kill him at any point in time. Elijah....made androids. He captured people with the rK line... This made Gavin's stress level to rise but drowsier. "I dont want people watching me sleep and I'm...not...tired....."

Gavin stood his ground for two seconds. He passed out curling into a ball.

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