Chapter 1

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A/Ns will always be in bold

Hey peoples this is my first fanfiction and my first story in Wattpad so please be nice. :)
It's ok to give constructive criticism, though.

In this story Peter basically replaces Pietro. Instead of being exposed to the mind stone, like Wanda, he is bitten by a radioactive spider that HYDRA had. This takes place at the beginning of Age of Ultron, and will go from there.

Important things to know:
Everything before Age of Ultron happened
Peter and Wanda are 14, but they volunteered for HYDRA when they were 13.
Bucky let himself be captured after Winter Soldier because his memory started coming back.

Now, on with the story!
The first part is actually the video embedded above, just replace the glimpses of Pietro with Peter and watch until 4:20

Peter's POV
Peter burst out of the train tunnel, quickly shooting a web at a tree so he could swing around. He saw a man with a bow and arrow and swung around to distract him. Peter knocked him over as he was swinging by, not wanting to hurt him, but hoping to distract everyone.

Peter quickly swung away, hearing a woman yell "Clint!"

Peter looked back, dismayed to find that the man with the bow- Clint- had been hit by a blast from a nearby bunker.

I didn't want anyone to get hurt! he thought, but there was nothing he could do without betraying HYDRA. Instead, he finished his task of distracting the Avengers.

Peter slammed into Captain America (Peter knew who he was, he was one of the more famous Avengers), quickly webbing himself into a tree to avoid getting injured. Knowing that Captain America was really good at throwing his shield, Peter didn't stay, and webbed off.


Wanda's POV
Wanda quietly snuck up to where she heard voices.

"You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope," Strucker said. He looked over and saw Wanda, but said nothing.

"I'll put it right under 'illegal human experimentation'," the man Strucker was talking to said.

Wanda assumed that this man was Captain America, based on the shield he held on his arm. Peter was better at this kind of thing. Speaking of Peter, hadn't she told him to stop the Avengers from coming in the building?

"How many are there?" Captain America asked threateningly. Wanda took that as her chance to blast him with some of her magic.

Captain America fell down the stairs, rolling.

Wanda glanced at Strucker as Captain America ran back up the stairs. She quickly backed out of another doorway, using her powers to slam the door.

Wanda hurried down to where the scepter was stored, but Stark was already there. No matter, Wanda thought.

"Thor," Stark said, presumably into his com. "I got eyes on the prize." He walked slowly up to the scepter as Wanda walked up behind him and inserted her magic into his mind.

She saw Stark's fear: the huge creature above him coming to life and flying into space; all of the avengers, dead on a pile with spears sticking into them.

Stark bent down over Captain America and checked his pulse. Captain America grabbed Stark's arm and whispered "you could've saved us" and "why didn't you do more?"

Stark looked up to see many more of the giant creatures flying over his head, heading towards a portal... with Earth at the other end.

Stark snapped out of it and shook himself. He glanced back at the creature, still hoisted on the ceiling.

Wanda backed up, watching Stark. Peter walked up behind her, but she put her hand up.


Peter's POV
Peter stopped at his sister's motion, even though he wouldn't have gone any further than her anyway.

"You're letting him take it?" Peter asked quietly, knowing something was up. Wanda hated Tony Stark, period. There was no way she would let him have whatever he wanted.

In response, Wanda smiled sinisterly.

Stark reached out a hand, an Ironman hand flying towards it. He reaches out for the scepter.

"Wait!" Peter called out. "Mr. Stark!"

"What are you doing??" Wanda hissed. Peter ignored her.

Stark spun around, aiming his repulser at them.

Peter didn't know what to do next. He needed to stop Stark from taking the scepter, or else he might get hurt. Wanda's delight told him that. He didn't know what Wanda had seen that convinced her to let Stark have it, but Peter knew it was nothing good.

Stark still had his repulser aimed at them. "You have five seconds to explain yourselves," he said.

"We're going to let you take the scepter," Wanda said smoothly, glaring daggers at Peter.

"There's some sort of catch here, isn't there," Stark said suspisously. "You know what? I can't afford you two weirdos running around unchecked. J, take 'em."

Before Peter realized what was happening, the Ironman suit, missing a hand, raced toward him and Wanda and grabbed them. It hugged them tightly, but not at all comfortingly.

"Let us go!" Wanda screamed. She still needed to use her hands to focus her power, and they were currently pinned.

Even though Peter was panicking, he knew that going with the scepter, with Stark would be a good thing in the end, as he could stop Stark before he hurt himself.

"Alright Jarvis, I'll need members of the Iron Legion to do this. I need my suit to get out of here. Is the city safe?"

Peter heard a faint "Yes, sir, two members of the Iron Legion are on their way." Peter assumed the reply came from the earpiece in Stark's ear, and that normally people wouldn't have been able to hear it.

Wanda was still kicking and struggling. Peter was just sitting there, and wondered suddenly if she thought it was suspicious that he wasnt struggling. Oh well. Too late now.

Two white and gray painted robots flew into the room, the Avengers 'A' on their chests.

The Ironman suit dropped Peter and Wanda, but a millisecond later the two robots picked them up, Wanda still struggling. Peter hoped Wanda didn't notice that one of his web shooters was free.

Stark got into the Ironman suit and flew out of the base, the robots holding Peter and Wanda following.

Now Peter wasn't so sure. How were they going to treat him and Wanda? Were they going to be put in a prison?


Ok peoples that's the end of the first chapter. I probably won't update all that often, sorry, this isnt really a main thing that I'm doing right now, so...

Also I'm writing this on my phone and I'm not editing so sorry if autocorrect does it wrong.

I also would really appreciate if you guys would comment stuff because I really hope people will read this and people commenting would make me happy.


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