Chapter 12

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Wanda's POV

Wanda was startled out of her wandering thoughts by a knock on the door.

Soon, the door opened, revealing Natasha.

"Did you get my message?" Natasha asked, smiling.

Wanda saw Peter nodding out of the corner of her eye as he squeezed her hand gently.

"Well, the vote happened," Natasha continued. She looked back and forth between Wanda and her brother.

Wanda held her breath. She didnt know what to expect, after her and Peter's conversation. She didnt even know what decision she hoped for.

Peter squeezed Wanda's hand again. Wanda was pretty sure this was a reminder of yesterday's conversation, even though she had already been thinking about it.

"The Avengers have decided to let you join," Natasha said. "What do you say?"

Wanda glanced quickly over to her brother. She didnt know what to think. She hadn't been expecting this, but hadn't not been expecting it exactly...

The whole situation had come out of the blue.

Peter's face was nearly unreadable, so Wanda reached out with her powers for the first major time since the scepter had exploded.

Peter, she said, letting him know that she was there.

Hi Wanda, he responded, not sounding surprised.

What do we say? Wanda asked desperately. She didnt want Natasha to be standing there while they were having this silent conversation. She didnt know what to do with her body.

I think you know what I think, Peter replied.

Wanda remebered her brother's thoughts from the day before. He had thought that the Avengers were the best option. Wanda could see his reasoning.

Besides, Natasha was offering a choice. Hopefully she could reject it if she wanted to later. Hopefully.

Let's give it a try, Wanda replied, and disconnected them.

Peter squeezed her hand and them spoke out loud. "I'd like to join," he said, glancing over at Wanda.

Smart, acting like we didnt have a discussion, Wanda thought. "I'd like to, too," she said.

Natasha smiled at them. "I'm glad," she said. Wanda was confused. Why did Natasha want them to join the Avengers? Why had she suggested it?

"The first desicion we will need to make is where you will stay," Natasha continued. "Would you like to stay here for a while until you get to know everyone, or would you like to have your own room, or rooms, if that's what you would prefer?"

Wanda glanced over at Peter again. Natasha was giving them so many decisions, already much more than Wanda was used to.

"I think we should get another room," Peter said to Wanda in Russian. Wanda appreciated that he understood her need to for their privacy of conversation, while not making it look suspicious that they kept staring at each other. Wanda had been so shocked before, she hadn't really thought about that.

"I want to stay together, though," Wanda said firmly. Separated from her twin is strange place sounded awful.

Peter nodded. "And we could get to know the Avengers more naturally, instead of them just randomly coming in here," Peter added.

Wanda nodded at this plan.

"We'd like it if we could share another room," Peter replied to Natasha in English.

Natasha nodded, ignoring that they had been speaking another language. Wanda was grateful for that.

"I'll set something up," Natasha said. "I'll be sure to make sure you won't be seperated," she said with a smile.

Wanda smiled weakly back at her. There were so many changes happening to her world.


Natasha's POV

Natasha left the room, feeling like the meeting went well. The next thing to do was go call yet another Avengers meeting.

Or maybe she could just go talk to Stark.

Natasha considered that option for a moment, and then decided that it wasnt a good idea. The team needed to know what was going on, plus Stark might protest. She could deal with that, but the others might not like her methods. Aka, threatening him.

Natahs agave a soft sigh of resignation and looked down at her watch. She tapped a few buttons, calling the meeting. Then she made her way over to the normal meeting room.

After waiting around for about 10 minutes, everyone was there. Sure, the Avengers could be lightning fast in battle, but when it was time for a meeting, they were as slow as snails.

"What did they say?" Bruce asked, when he also saw everyone was there.

Natasha guessed that the others also knew who he was talking about, but she said who it was anyway.

"Peter and Wanda have accepted our offer," she said.

There was a mixture of reactions, the most extreme of which, a wide grin from Clint, and a huff from Stark.

Natasha ignored the reactions, and continued.

"As for where they want to stay, they do prefer a shared room on our floor," Natasha said. "Stark, it's your job to organize that," she finished, giving him a look.

Stark pushed himself out of his chair, sighing. "Fine."

Natasha nodded curtly at him. As much as Stark might not like this, he was proud to be a member of the Avengers, and Natasha knew he didnt want to mess that up.

Natasha looked around at everyone. "Peter and Wanda need to adjust slowly. Dont overwhelm them. Remember, they need time to get to know you. But that doesnt mean you can be cold to them," she said. It should be self explanatory, but sometimes the Avengers could be idiots.

Everyone around her nodded. Even Stark. What a surprise.

Natasha gave a curt nod back and made her way to the door. There was no need to announce that the meeting was over. Everyone already knew.

Feeling satisfied, Natasha went to go train.



I feel like it's been a while since I last updated.

Its probly been longer than I thought

Oh well

But anyway

Marvel released a bunch of trailers and stuff for phase 4 TV shows


I'm especially excited over the loki one




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