Chapter 5

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I'm back!!


Wanda's POV

Wanda slammed herself on the ground as the scepter exploded. There was a deafening noise, and the glass walls shattered. (Well I really jumped right into it)

Suddenly there was silence.

As her ears went back to normal, Wanda sat up and looked around. Glass shards littered the ground. The two projections looked destroyed, the blue one more than the orange.

And the scepter. Gone, except for a few tiny shards of metal. The rest was dust.

What have I done?


Peter's POV

Peter saw Wanda looking around at the destruction.

"Wanda, you did it!" he said softly.

Wanda turned to him with a torn expression on her face. "What if I didn't want to?"

Peter blinked. She must have wanted to, at least a little bit. The scepter had been HYDRA's, and HYDRA was never kind to them. And he didnt force her, right?

But I got the Avengers, Peter thought guiltily. Wanda hated them, and was probably also scared of them. Peter had threatened her.

"I'm sorry, Wanda," he replied. "I didnt realize."

Wanda didnt reply, seemingly lost in her own thoughts.


Wanda's POV

Wanda heard Peter apologize, but didnt respond. The aftereffects of using so much magic were hitting her.

HYDRA never let me use this much at a time, Wanda thought. I didnt even know I could.

But maybe it was a good thing that they didnt let her use this much magic. Training was tiring enough.

Wanda felt light-headed. She had been captured, betrayed HYDRA, and used more magic than she had ever used. There was reason to be exhausted. Wanda took a deep breath and tried to stay present.


Peter's POV

Peter sat next to Wanda's side in the rubble. He was aware of the Avengers standing behind them, and knew they were wondering what would happen next.

Peter didnt exactly want them to hear what was going on, and Wanda was obviously in no state to make a mental connection, so he switched to Russian. (Underline will be Russian, since I'm too lazy to switch to Google translate)

"Wanda, are you ok?" Peter asked.

"I dont know," Wanda whispered.

Wanda And Peter MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now