Chapter 3

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I'm sorry I havent updated in a while, I had social stuff going on and it wasnt really acceptable to hide in my room for extended periods of time.

And then I procrastinated.


Peter's POV

Peter picked himself up off the floor and looked around. The room that he and Wanda had been locked in was made almost entirely of white painted metal, expect for the energy sheild.

Peter looked over at Wanda. She was stretching her limbs, her eyes red in anger.

Uh oh, Peter thought. She was more mad than he had thought.

"Wanda!" Peter whispered, not sure if there was an unseen guard outside.

"What?" Wanda snapped.

"We have to escape!" Peter said. It was in both of their interests. Wanda didn't want to be captured, and Peter wanted to prevent anyone from getting hurt.

"Well, duh," Wanda replied, already studying the door. She seemed to have some of her confidence back.

Wanda summoned a bit of magic. She tried pushing it through the energy barrier.

Peter and Wanda watched in excitement as the energy barrier started to bend.

Just as Peter's spider sense went off.

"Wanda! Someone's coming!" he whispered, and Wanda quickly vaporized her magic. The energy sheild went back to normal.

"Thanks," Wanda whispered back as a dark skinned guy with short hair and what looked like a short sleeved combat suit.

He didnt say anything (probably because the barrier was soundproof), and stood guard next to the door, and what Peter noticed looked like a control panel, probably for the energy sheild.

Peter and Wanda sat there for what seemed like ages, but probably wasnt that long, since the guard hadn't changed.

Finally Wanda sent a tendril of magic over to Peter.

How will we escape? Wanda asked him.

Well, you managed to get some of your magic through, Peter replied. Let's work with that.

Should I just try to use a lot of magic to burst through all at once? Wanda wondered.

That would probably cause a commotion, Peter answered.

True, Wanda agreed.

Do you think you could get a small bit of magic through to that control panel? Peter asked. Quickly?

Not without anyone noticing, and besides, if we fiddle with that and the barrier goes down, everyone is going to notice immediately, Wanda replied, peering out at the controls Peter had mentioned.

We'll just have to wait until they change guards, Peter explained.

And if that doesn't work, we'll just wait until someone slips up, Wanda added.

Oh, and also, we can put the sheild down using the switch, and then we'll put it back up when we leave, so people will just think we're hiding away from the door, Peter finished.

Good, we have a plan, Wanda replied.


Wanda's POV

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