Chapter 2

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Wanda's POV

The Avenger-robots flew upwards, taking Peter and Wanda with them.

Wanda was so mad at Peter. What was he thinking, announcing us like that?? I had it under control! Now we're captured, by the Avengers, of all people!

Wanda glanced over at her brother, fuming. He didnt seem to mind that much. Whilst Wanda was struggling, Peter just hung there, almost limp, just taking it.

I really hate you right now, Wanda thought bitterly.

The robots arrived at a jet. Wanda saw that there were already five people inside, including Captain America.

This must be the Avengers' jet, Wanda thought.

The robots landed just outside of the jet. Stark, in the Ironman suit, landed in front.

"Stark, what's this?" Captain America asked.

Stark stepped out of the suit. "I've got the enhanced. Now they wont bother us later," he said cockily, stepping inside the jet.

Captain America turned to face him. "So we're going to keep them prisoner?" he asked, incredulous. "They're just kids."

Stark stopped. "So you want them to be nuisances wherever we go, or do you want to figure out what to do with them now? It doesnt have to be inhumane, you know."

Wanda should've been offended, but she wasn't. She had a sort of strange happiness at knowing the Avengers saw as her as a threat.

Captain America sighed. "Fine."

But I'm still prisoner, Wanda reminded herself.

As the robots dragged Wanda and Peter inside the jet, Wanda looked around and saw a man laying on a stretcher-table thing. A red headed woman was by his side. Captain America had been standing in the doorway, but now he moved aside. There was a tall man with a hammer standing inside, further in, as well as another guy sitting on a chair with headphones on.

The two robots who were holding the twins ushered them into a corner of the jet, a blue energy wall coming out of the floor, blocking all sound from the other room. Wanda assumed that the Avengers could probably hear her and Peter if they made any noise.

After a while, when the jet had taken off, and the Avengers were distracted by their conversation, Wanda wiggled her fingers, hoping for some form of escape. (The Avengers point of view up until an obvious point later is pretty much the same as in Age of Ultron, in case you're curious)

Wanda smiled when she saw she was able to summon a small orb of magic. She willed it to grow, but with such a small area of her hand open, and not a lot of practice in hostage situations, the orb stayed the same size.

"Wanda!" Peter hissed, catching the attention of both her, and the red headed woman. I guess I was right about the sound, then, Wanda thought.

Wanda quickly willed her magic away as the red headed woman glanced at her.

Wanda glanced over at her brother, and saw him trying to make a message with his eyes.

This will be easier, Wanda thought, again summoning the small bit of magic and stretching it out into a strand, reaching towards Peter. They probably could've spoken in Russian, (I say that Sokovia speaks Russian) but Wanda preferred that the Avengers didnt even know they were speaking.

What? she asked telepathically.

Please dont do anything dangerous, Peter pleaded.

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