Chapter 4

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Peter's POV

Peter gestured for Wanda to follow him as he sneaked around a corner. He was trying to find the lab where the man with the hammer had placed the scepter. Maybe then he could figure out what he needed to do to stop Wanda's plan.

Stop Wanda... it felt like he was betraying his sister. Peter felt really guilty all of a sudden. He knew that what he was doing was right, and that it was HYDRA speaking through her.

I'll talk with her soon, Peter thought. I dont think right now is a good time. She's stressed enough as it is.

Peter shook his head to get back to the present, and carefully walked forward. Wanda followed quietly behind.

Peter soon saw what he was looking for. The lab where he had seen the man with the hammar put the scepter.

Peter peeked inside the glass windows. He saw the scepter encased in another energy shield, standing upright on a desk.

Looking around, he saw a few hologram monitors that looked they were running calculations. In the middle of the room looked like the structure for an AI that was orange. Next to it looked like a blue model for a... brain AI?

Why would they leave all of this out in the open? Dont they have really high security?

Wanda tapped Peter's shoulder. "Come on, let's go," she whispered.

"Wait," Peter said. The hologram monitors flashed the word "model successful".

Peter's eyes widened. Already? He somehow knew that this was what Wanda had been looking for. Suddenly, his spider sense went off.

Peter grabbed Wanda's hand as he saw the brain AI pulse a bit. He hurried to find a way into the lab, dragging Wanda with him, knowing that he had to stop whatever was going to happen.

Peter quickly found a door, and burst in.

"Peter! What are you doing??" Wanda exclaimed.

Peter didnt answer, as he navigated his way through the desks and monitors to where the AI's were.

Just as they got there, the brain-like AI jabbed out at the other one, causing it to dodge, but the normal AI still had a tear in its coding.

"Wanda! You have to stop it!" Peter said, knowing that she could do much more than he could.

"Why?" Wanda asked, a wild look in her eyes. "It'll destroy them, like they destroyed our family."

"Wanda..." Peter didnt know she was this angry at all of them. Stark he could understand, but all of the Avengers? They did nothing wrong.

"Wanda, the rest of the Avengers didnt do anything wrong! It was only Stark!" Peter said, desperately trying to reason with his sister.

"Destroying the Avengers will destroy Stark!" Wanda hissed.

Peter didnt think he had time to reason with her. "Wanda! You have to stop it!"

"No!" Wanda exclaimed. "This is the only thing that made getting captured worth it!"

"If that thing gets a hold of all the data  in Starks AI, who knows what will happen? It already has violent tendencies! It could share all the data that made those bombs possible!" Peter desperately tried to convince her.

Wanda hesitated. 

"I'll go get the Avengers if you dont do it," Peter threatened.

"Fine!" Wanda gave in.

Peter watched as she summoned her magic and tried to push the blue, brain like AI back.

At first it seemed to be working, but not very effectively.

Suddenly Peter came to a realization. AI's were not physical things, they were programs. And they could spread. But if they wiped out the main server, than it could be destroyed.

"Wanda! Aim for the scepter!" Peter called.

"Why should I do that? I'm already helping the people who captured us!" Wanda replied. She seemed determined to make this as hard as possible for Peter.

There wasnt much time. The blue AI had already damaged the orange one horribly.

"I'm getting the Avengers!" Peter stated, and ran off. Maybe that will spur her to do something.

Peter ran out of the lab and hoped Wanda didnt just decide to escape. She wouldn't do that without me, right? Sure, they would argue, but betraying or abandoning each other was just... it wasnt even an option.

Peter ran and listened for voices. He heard chatter coming from below a balcony.

He launched himself down the steps and burst through the door.

The Avengers were gathered around a table, along with the woman he and Wanda had seen when they got off the jet, and another woman.

Peter hadn't thought about what to say, but there he was, standing in front of them.

"In the labs! The orange AI is being attacked!" Peter exclaimed, hoping that they would understand.

The Avengers came to their senses and stood up. Peter saw Stark and the man that had been sitting with the headphones on the jet exchange a look.

"You have to help!" Peter tried spurring them on. He decided that that would have to do, and hurried back to Wanda.

Hopefully they can help and they won't just imprison us again.

Peter found the lab and saw Wanda struggling with the scepter. She listened!

"Wanda!" he called.

"You didn't really get them, did you???" Wanda exclaimed.

"They know what they were trying to do! They can probably stop it better than we can!" Peter exclaimed. He came into full view of the battling AI's and Wanda.

His sister was focusing a stream of magic on the scepter, but it wasn't strong enough. The blue AI was weakening, Peter could see, but all Wanda was doing was slowing it down.

"Wanda! More power into the scepter! You can do it!"

Peter heard footsteps outside. The Avengers.

He looked at the orange AI. It had nearly been torn to shreds.


Wanda's POV

Wanda heard the desperation in Peter's voice. She reminded herself of what he had said earlier, about the bombs.

Wanda focused more energy on destroying the scepter.

HYDRA will hate me forever, Wanda thought, and followed Peter's directions.

Wanda closed her eyes, feeling herslef tiring from all the magic being used. HYDRA had never taught her to use this much power before. She barely knew she even had it.

"DUCK!" Wanda heard Peter yell. She snapped back to the present just in time to see the scepter explode, sending a wave of energy out in all directions.


This chapter is where all similarities to Age of Ultron are done.

I'm going to try to update at least once a week, but once a week consists of no more than seven days after the last chapter was published.


1111 words :)

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