Chapter 11

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I actually updated kind of on schedule. Wow.


Natasha's POV

Natasha sat in the offical meeting room, letting her fingers fidget on the table, face expressionless.

She was waiting for the other Avengers to arrive for their meeting. They were going to vote about Peter and Wanda's future.

It was unfair that they had no say, which was why Natasha had slipped them the transcript from the last meeting. She was sure they were smart enough to figure it out, which was why she hadn't left much in her handwritten note.

"Hello, Natasha," Steve said in surprise as he walked into the room.

Natasha just nodded at him, content with the silence.

Steve sat a few seats down from her, and they waited for everyone else.

Predictably, Tony was last, and the meeting started five minutes later than it was supposed to.

Natasha was not surprised. Even though she had been the last to other meetings, it was only a few seconds after everyone else.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, how do we want to do this?" Steve started.

Natasha held back a sigh. It had taken a day for this meeting to actually happen, and now Steve was stalling even more.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"Do we want to do this anonymously or not?" Steve asked.

Natasha spoke up. "Let's not do it anonymously. Then we can explain our thoughts to one another." And this will go faster, we dont have to find a way to make votes secret, she thought.

Steve nodded. "Any objections?" There was silence.

Satisfied, Steve started. "Who doesnt want the Maximoffs to join the Avemgers and instead think of another option?"

Tony, Rhodey, and Sam raised their hands.

"Ok,"  Steve said. "Who votes in favor?"

Natasha, Clint, Bruce, and Steve all raised their hands.

"Okay, I guess its decided. The Maximoffs will be offered to join the Avengers."

Natasha let a smile show. This was the best option for Peter and Wanda. They were good people, and HYDRA wasnt going to help them with that. And with powers, the Avengers were the safest option.

Surprisingly, Tony didnt complain. I guess he's learning something from being on a team, Natasha thought.

"What's our plan on telling them?" Natasha asked after there were no arguments.

"Hmmm..." Steve said. "They seem to trust you the most, so you can tell them, and we will slowly introduce them to the other team members."

Natasha nodded. That sounded like a good plan.

"Where are they going to stay?" Natasha asked. "They cant stay in that hospital room forever."

There was a silence as everyone processed this. For Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the Avengers could be pretty stupid.

"I can think of two options," Natasha interrupted the silence. "They stay there until we've acclimated, or we move them to a room on our floor."

"I think you should ask them. Like Cap said, they seem to trust you," Bruce replied.

Natasha nodded. "I'll ask them. If they react badly, well, we'll talk again." As much as she loathed the thought of another meeting, Natasha knew that this was a team effort and she needed to play her part.

"Anything else?" Steve asked, not just looking at Natasha, but around at everyone.

Nobody said anything.

"Alright, we've made a decision."

With that, everyone left.


Later, Natasha was sitting in the Avengers' living room when Clint walked up to her.

"You weren't being very quiet," Natasha said in greeting.

"I wasnt trying to be," Clint replied.


The pair sat in comfortable silence as Natasha was lost in thought.

"What was your opinion on the meeting?" Clint asked, settling into the couch.

"Better than expected," Natasha responded, glancing his way.

Clint grunted. "I bet you're glad there isnt another scheduled meeting."

Natasha gave him a quick smile. "Yeah, but I still need to call another meeting to tell everyone what happened." She madd a face for Clint's benefit.

"Oh, did you notice?" Clint started.

"What," Natasha replied, sensing a joke in his tone.

Clint grinned. "Sam didnt vote with Cap. I guess he does have his own opinions!"

Natasha let out a huff of amusement. "I should probably go talk to Peter and Wanda," she said, standing up.

"Good luck," Clint said.

"I don't need it," Natasha replied.

Clint shrugged. "It's nice to hear, though, isnt it?"

Natasha didnt reply, and instead left the room, giving him a glance as goodbye.


Natasha knocked on the Maximoffs' door, making sure they were prepared for her to come in.

The pair were sitting on Wanda's bed, like always.

"Did you get my message?" Natasha asked, putting on a smile.

Peter nodded, and Natasha noticed a subtle squeeze of his sister's hand.

"Well, the vote has happened," she continued. She paused, looking at any reactions from the twins.

Another squeeze. Natasha wondered if it was a sign of comfort, or something else.

"The Avengers have decided to let you join," Natasha said. "What do you say?"


This chapter is like 200 words too short but I couldn't find a way to end it soon otherwise.

My cat slept in my bed for about 6 hours. Her head was showing just a little above the blanket. Almost the whole time, even though she flipped directions a lot.

So that was cute.

Well, uh, goodbye.


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