Chapter 7

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Hello. I'm sorry I published a bit late. You can read my feeble excuses at the bottom.


Peter's POV

Peter woke up to his stomach grumbling. He hadn't eaten anything for 24 hours, maybe longer depending on what time it was. (Um thanks LCorbett04 for reminding me of this, its pretty important...)

Peter sat up and looked around. He was still in the same hospital room as before. He looked to his right and saw Wanda, still laying down, on a higher bed than his.

His bed had been surprisingly comfortable for a rolling cot. It was about as comfortable as the bed he had slept in just yesterday, in Sokovia. HYDRA's prisoner cots were the floor. Or wooden or metal benches.

Why can't Wanda see that they're horrible? Peter thought. We're prisoners and the Avengers are treating us the same as HYDRA treated us. Maybe a bit better, in some ways.

Peter saw Wanda open her eyes. He smiled at her, but she frowned as she sat up and realized they were still in the same place.

"Why are we still here?" Wanda asked.

Peter shrugged. "I guess they just dont know what to do with us," he said.

"What makes us so different?" Wanda asked.

"I dunno, probably because we're kids-"

Wanda scoffed. "They arent prepared for much, are they?"

Peter stayed silent for a while, before finally saying, "Maybe they just arent ruthless." He knew it was harsh wording, but it was the only way Wanda would react, and Peter needed her to think about these things.

Wanda bristled in response. "You're saying HYDRA is ruthless for taking us in??" she exclaimed.

"Come on, Wanda, they took us in and experimented on us!"

"We volenteered!"

You volunteered, Peter thought. I just wanted to stay together. He knew that this time, he had to be the insistent one.

"We volunteered to help our country," Peter finally said. "Did they ever give us a chance to do that?"

"We weren't ready yet," Wanda said.

"You destroyed the scepter," Peter reminded her. "That must've taken a lot of magic and focus. I think you were ready."

Wanda quickly changed the subject. "The Avengers captured us as prisoners, dont tell me that isn't ruthless, too," she said.

Peter thought for a moment before replying. "That was just Stark. I dont know what the others would've done, but-"

"Just Stark??" Wanda asked incredulously. "'The others', as you said, just went right along with it! None of them tried to stop us from being captured!"

"Wanda, I dont think they really saw another choice. Think about it. We're dangerous to them. We both have powers, and came from HYDRA. They cant exactly have us running loose," Peter explained.

"Who cares about their interests? We're still captured, that doesnt change anything," Wanda shot back.

"Yes, we're still captured, but imagine being captured by HYDRA. HYDRA would be much worse. We're being treated almost the same as normal here! We dont get to wander around, but that's understandable. The beds are about the same, the room size is about the same-"

Wanda And Peter MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now