Chapter 9

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Wanda's POV

"Peter-" Wanda started after a moment. She suddenly had realized that he had no idea that she was starting to sympathize with him.

"I'm sorry! I didnt mean to-" Peter interrupted her, probably without realizing.

"Peter, its fine," Wanda stopped him. Peter blinked. "I understand what you're saying."

"You do?" Peter asked.

Wanda nodded. "You had some really good points, and I barely had any. Although I am still wondering something. Why do you trust the Avengers so much?" Wanda asked her brother.

"I- I dont really know. I know Sokovia didnt really like them, but they've done a lot of good things. I guess I just think that they are fair, most of the time. I know they have a bias against HYDRA, and we were with HYDRA, but-" Peter rambled.

"What about Stark? He basically leads them. And you know... what he did..." Wanda trailed off, her voice breaking slightly. She still missed her parents sometimes, even after four years.

"I understand, Wanda. I know it was his bomb. But I wasnt focusing on that. I knew that Stark isnt always the one to set off those bombs. Mostly it isnt him. I understand why you hate him, I just dont, really," Peter explained.

Wanda knew what he was saying was reasonable, but unlike with HYDRA, she was unwilling to change her opinion that fast.

Wanda and Peter had spent two days under the rubble. Staring at the label on the bomb that said Stark. That act wasnt forgiven that easily.

"The rest of the Avengers arent that bad, Wanda. The red-haired lady, Natasha, was really nice to us. She talked to me while you were unconscious- I'm sorry, Wanda, I've been a jerk," Peter interrupted himself. "Ever since we got captured all I've done is ignore your opinions, think mine are better, without even listening to you."

"Its okay, Peter," Wanda said softly. "Now I understand what you were thinking."

Peter sighed. "I really am sorry," he apologized again.

Wanda opened her arms, and Peter hugged her back. "I love you, Peter," she said.

"I love you, Wanda," Peter replied.


Natasha's POV

Natasha sighed as she walked into yet another meeting. She preferred action, not useless chatter.

When she arrived, this time almost all of the Avengers were there, including Rhodey and Sam. Thor was still absent, though.

"Ok, good, everyone's here," Steve said as Natasha walked in the door.

"Ok, so," Steve started. "Last meeting, you weren't there," he added, gesturing at Sam and Rhodey. "We were discussing the fate of Wanda and Peter Maximoff, who were experimented on by HYDRA. They did show many signs of being allegianced to HYDRA, not just forced to do their bidding.

"Natasha proposed a very... controversial idea," Steve continued. "To have them join the Avengers. Natasha, do you want to explain why you think this is a good plan?"

Natasha mentally rolled her eyes. This was like a court hearing. So formal.

"I have reason to believe that Peter and Wanda are not entirely aligned with HYDRA's motives. Peter seemed to mostly go along only because of his sister," Natasha explained.

"Where are you getting all of this information from?" Tony asked scornfully.

Natasha looked at him coolly. "I'm not giving up all my secrets, Stark."

Tony huffed, then settled back into his chair.

But Natasha still had more to say. "Wanda has started to be convinced by Peter that HYDRA isnt so good. We would still need to be wary, but letting them sit and rot in a hospital room will only push them further away from us, and towards HYDRA."

Natasha had continued to listen in on the twins' conversations, and she had learned about their past a bit more, and how Peter was convincing his sister. They obviously trusted each other deeply.

If they do get accepted by the others, I hope they can deal with Stark, Natasha thought. She had heard their conversation about the bombings she had read about in their file.

When the other Avengers realized that she had finished, Tony was the first to speak.

"I still think it's a horrible plan," he stated.

"I dont think it's too bad," Sam said. "It would be good to keep them close, and this is the best way to do it. Plus, like Natasha said, we wouldn't want to push them more towards HYDRA."

Natasha nodded in response to his support.

"Tony, you seem the most opposed to this, do you have anything you want to say?" Steve asked.

"Its a horrible idea," he repeated. "Theres a very high chance they will betray us," he said. "When have you been one to trust, Widow?"

"I dont trust them," Natasha said coldly. "And I wont until they prove themselves to be trustworthy. But I'm willing to give them the chance to."

"Does anybody else want to say anything?" Steve asked, looking around. Everyone shook their heads.

"Ok. I'll give you all time to think about what was said, and we'll meet again for a vote tomorrow morning," he said, dismissing them.

Natasha sighed again as she walked out of the room. Everyone had heard all they were going to hear, what was the point of more time?

Clint fell in beside her. "So, was the meeting what you had expected?" he asked good naturedly.

Natasha rolled her eyes. "Sadly, yes."

Clint laughed, and Natasha gave a smile.

"How are you?" she asked, changing the subject. She wanted to make sure that he was okay after being hurt. She knew that Cho had pronounced him good as new, but it never hurt to check.

"I'm fine, Natasha. You cant even feel the difference," Clint replied, catching on to what she was asking.


Natasha and Clint continued to the elevator. "Where are you headed?" Natasha asked.

"Target practice. I skipped a day while recovering, I should practice," he replied. Natasha nodded in response. Many people would scoff, say that Clint was already the best, why practice more?

But they were- used to be- SHIELD agents. They needed to be prepared for anything.


That ending was maybe horrible.

Oh well.

Surprisingly, I dont have much to say.

Oh wait

We put a video of birds in front of our cat and she batted at the screen, and then managed to pause the video with her nose, and skip ahead five seconds later.

So that was my eventful thing today.



Wanda And Peter MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now