Chapter 6

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Sigh... my friends are weird- I found this screenshot from like a week and a half ago.

 my friends are weird- I found this screenshot from like a week and a half ago

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Wanda's POV

Wanda slowly drifted back into conciousness. First, she realized that her eyes were closed, and that she had been asleep, or something.

Then she felt the soft fabric of the mattress beneath her. She didn't know if she had ever felt anything this soft.

Then she remembered.

Wanda's eyes snapped open, and she looked around. She seemed to be in a hospital room, but the only thing being used was the bed she was laying on- and a chair.

"Peter!" Wanda whispered. She still had no idea what was going on. They were prisoners, right? So why was she being treated like a guest? Why were she and Peter being left alone?

Peter's head snapped up from staring at his lap. "Wanda!" he exclaimed. He stood up and walked over to her bed.

Wanda sat up. "What's happening?"

"Well, you fainted, the doctor said because you over exerted yourself, and-"

"I know what happened! I want to know why we're in this room, not our cell, and why no one is guarding us!" Wanda exclaimed.

"Oh. Well, I was getting to that. I'll shorten it for you," Peter said quietly. Wanda felt guilty for yelling at him.

"There was a nice lady, she said her name was Natasha and she seems to trust us. She let me stay with you alone until you recovered. Also we are being guarded, I'm pretty sure there are security cameras," Peter explained.

"Why did you let us continue in English, then?" Wanda asked, frustrated. The only reason Peter was remotely good at spying or sneaking around was because of his spider sense.

Peter also switched to Russian. "Sorry, Wanda. I didnt think that conversation mattered that much."

"We dont want them to have anything on us! We're being imprisoned by them, remember?" Wanda said indignantly.

Peter looked down. "That's just HYDRA speaking. They dont want you to share any of their secrets."

Wanda was mad. HYDRA had taken them in when they were on the streets! How dare Peter say that! Why wouldn't Wanda be loyal to HYDRA?

"Where would we be if we didnt have HYDRA?" Wanda challenged.

"Not captured, first of all," Peter muttered.

Wanda wanted to punch her brother. "We would still be on the streets, starving!" Wanda exclaimed.

"I dont understand why you trust them so much! What did they do for us? Sure, they kept us from starving, but what else? Not a lot, in my opinion," Peter burst out, startling Wanda. "I'm sorry, Wanda, I just- I never liked HYDRA."

Yes, but you weren't ever this opposed to them, Wanda thought.

"They gave us our powers," Wanda said, determined to argue.

Peter sighed. "Just think about it, ok?" he asked.


"Thank you, Wan-" Peter cut himself off. "There's someone coming!"

Wanda tensed. Now that she was awake, were they sending them to the cell again? Who was it? What was going to happen?


Natasha's POV

"I'm going to go check on them," Natasha said, leaving the conversation.

Steve and Tony were arguing about Peter and Wanda. Steve thought that Tony was being too harsh on them, while Tony stood by his original thought, that they were dangerous and should be kept as prisoners.

Natasha felt herself agreeing with Steve more, but she could definitely see Tony's point.

I'm dangerous, Natasha thought. So is everyone on the team. That's part of what makes us the Avengers.

Natasha sighed. An alert had come in from the barely-functioning JARVIS. The girl had woken up, but Steve and Tony were too busy arguing to care. She was going to check on that now.

Natasha wondered again why she trusted the pair. Wanda was obviously loyal to HYDRA, the very organisation that had taken down SHIELD. (Because winter soldier happened)

Natasha made her way over to the hospital room where they had been staying. She opened the door, and saw the girl sitting up, the boy sitting beside her. They were both staring at the door.

"Hello," Natasha said, going for a friendly approach. "How are you feeling?" she asked, directing the question at the girl.

"Why does it matter to you?" the girl hissed.

"Shes feeling better," Peter said quietly, ignoring the glares he got from his sister.

"Did you get any sleep?" Natasha asked. She estimated that it had been about 5 hours since Wanda had fallen unconscious. What else was there to do during that time? They had had a tiring day, after all.

"A little," Peter said, still in a quiet voice. Was he ashamed of being so friendly towards her? In any other situation, they would be enemies.

What doesnt make us enemies here?

Natasha cleared her mind of her thoughts. "I'm guessing you dont want to go back to that tiny cell..." she said. "What would you say if I had someone bring in a cot for you, Peter, and you guys stay in here until the team decides what to do?" She inwardly grimaced, realizing that sounded a bit threatening.

I've never had any qualms about being threatening before, Natasha thought.

It's because they're kids, she consoled herself.

"That would be fine," Peter said, and Natasha nodded briskly and left the room.

She wandered back over to where Tony and Steve had been arguing. Sure enough, they were still at it.

"Boys! Save this bantering for a team meeting, alright?" she called.

"Team meeting?" Tony asked.

Natasha rolled her eyes. "You seriously think we're not going to have one, after this mission?" she asked.

"Meeting tomorrow, then," said Steve. "Its late."

Natasha looked at a clock on the wall. Eleven. It WAS late.

"So are you going to stop, or do I need to babysit you?" Natasha asked.

"We'll stop," Steve said, looking at Tony.

"Good," Natasha said, heading off to the elevator to go to her room.


I know the ending sucked, but oh well.

School starts tomorrow and I'm still soooooo confused.

What days do I have to go on zooms?

Do they follow a normal schedule?

What am I doing for math???

Anyway, I hope I figure it out very soon, cuz I dont know what I'll do if I dont...

I do have an idea of what to do for my first class, so I suppose that's good.



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