Chapter 10

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Hi. Sorry for not writing for like a month.


Peter's POV

Peter woke up the next morning with his hand wrapped around his sister's. He and Wanda had been talking, and it had felt really good to just say all of their thoughts. He felt they understood one another better.

Sure, they didnt have the same opinions, Wanda still hated Stark, and Peter still trusted the Avengers more than she did, but it was a start. And it was unrealistic to think the same, anyway.

"Peter?" Wanda asked, also waking up. Peter gave his sisters hand a quick squeeze and sat up. He boosted himself up to Wanda's more elevated bed to sit next to her.

"Good morning, Wanda," he said. She smiled, a bit tightly. The problem was, they didnt have any natural light, only motion sensor overhead lights. There was no way to tell if it was actually morning. But after years of going to sleep and waking up at the same time, Peter was pretty confident that it was morning.

Or at least morning in Sokovia. Although they had been going to bed later, in his mental clock, so maybe it was later. The point was, they had no clue.

Peter wished they had a clock. After all of his thoughts on the time, he was even more confused.

Not too long later, the door to their room creaked open. Peter went to it, hoping to ask Natasha about getting a clock.

Natasha (he had guessed right) peeked her head through the door and smiled tightly when she saw him. She brought out a tray for them and set it on the side table.

"Natasha, hi," Peter started, making sure he made the switch to English.

"Hello Peter," she said. "What can I do for you?"

"Uhm, I was wondering if it would be possible if we could have a clock," Peter asked politely.

"I'm so sorry, Peter. I didnt think of that. I'll make sure to get you and your sister one soon," she apologized, then smiled and left.

Peter brought the tray back to Wanda. "I guess this is breakfast," he said.

Wanda gave him a quick smile before looking down at the food. It was a medium stack of pancakes, as well as a few other things. (I'm too lazy)

"What were you talking to her about?" Wanda asked, making the switch to Russian.

Peter wasnt surprised she hadn't heard. They had been across the room, after all, and Peter and Natasha had been talking quietly.

"I was asking her if we could have a clock. My sleep rhythm is all messed up from the different time zones, and from not following our old sleep schedule," Peter explained, also switching to Russian.

Wanda nodded. "That's smart. What did she say?"

"She said she would get us one," Peter said.

Wanda nodded, saying nothing else. The two siblings sat in comfortable silence for a while, eating.

"Peter," Wanda said, interrupting the quiet.

Peter looked over. "What?"

Wanda held up a think slip of paper. "This was sandwiched between the last two pancakes," she said.

Peter stopped. "What does it say?" he asked, curious, if not a little cautious.

"I dont know yet," Wanda said, and held the note between them as she slowly opened it.

Wanda And Peter MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now