Chapter One. Intro.

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Loves Temptation Chapter 1



Hey guys this is my first Fanfiction that I’ve published and I really wish for you all to like it.

Pleaseeeeeeeee comment on what you liked and didn’t like because I’m really trying to make this and future stories good for everybody.

Sorry if it goes into too much detail I just like certain things to be described so that they’re understood.


Chilled POV:

I started getting nervous. I was at the airport and found my way to the right gate and sat down waiting for Smarties plane to arrive, then we would wait for Galms…..Then Ze’s. We had decided a week prior that we would do a 8 hour charity live stream everyday for 3 days. They had also decided that the Crew would get there 2 days early and stay 2 days after the charity live streams so that we could all have some fun together.

.I knew what kind of fun I wanted to have...NO! God Dammit Chilled stop thinking like that! Ze probably doesn’t even like you that way anyways...he probably only goes along with the ‘Bromance’ because it makes our Subs happy…  At least I may be able to experience his lips at least one time…

When the planning for the live stream had been announced a lot of our fans begged that if we reached a certain amount that me and Ze should kiss live. I discussed it with Ze and he thought it was an interesting idea and agreed to it. I felt so excited just thinking about our lips melting together passionately as we hold each other closely and firmly...

I could feel the bulge rising in my pants just as I heard a “Hey there buddy!” followed by a smirk. I quickly looked up to see Smarty standing there with his backpack. My cheeks turned red and as I stood up I quickly pulled my shirt over my pants… “Hey Smarticus!” I said as I hugged him as if nothing had happened.

“So what were ya thinkin about there?”

“N-nothing… None of your buisness…”

“haha, ah come on I won’t tell if you don’t want me tooooo, Pleaseeeee”

“Later Alright!”

“ Sure!”

God damn Smarty having to keep pushing into others….business…

“Well let’s just start heading to Galms gate.”

“ Cool! Let’s go!”

Smarties POV:

(After they get to Galms gate)

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