Chapter 4, Part 1 - Confessions

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Galms POV:


Well at least that’s out in the air now. Chilled had just finished telling us his “secret” but i’m sure he hasn’t told us all of it ( ;D).

“Pst! Galm!” I heard Smarty right next to me. Why the hell is he whispering though.

“What Smarty? And why are we whispering?” “Look, I think it’s both obvious to us that Ze and Chilled like each other, so. I thought that I would see how Chilled is feeling and you see how Ze is feeling about it” Smarty had his devilish grin on which I loved because he had it on when he was planning something funny for really nice yet slightly annoying.

“Galm? You still there?” Smarty looked at me confused as I started to blush at my thoughts, “Oh, uh, yea! Great idea, but how do we get them alone?” “Easy, I’ll tell Chilled some random crap while you and Ze stay here. Cool?” Yea! Let’s do it!”


“Hey Chilled! I think I forgot something in your car, can you come help me get it?”


“Uh, sure, let’s go.” Him and Smarty walked out of the room and when I heard the door shut I immediately looked at steven.

“Sooooooooo, Ze?” He looked up at me with a knowing in his eyes and sat on one of the bed. “Yes Galm? Oh what could it be?” Well that was extremely sarcastic.

“Well then, I guess I won’t tell you anything then…” I said innocently as I sat across from him. He raised a brow and asked “ My ears are working. What’s up?”

“Weeeeeeeell, I think that maybe a certain Italian who turns into a tomato when talking to you might, just might have in mind a certain person who he is REALLY gay for...more than say other hot Canadian Guys…you know, the normal”

Ze just blushed and looked down “...Hey Ze…?” “...What? Oh, sorry, what is it?...”

“...well, you know if you’re not ready you don’t have to tell me…” “...” “But. I need you to know that I’m here for you and that I want you to be happy with someone I know that you’ll be happy with…” “... thank you Galm…” “...and I want you to know that I’m ready to tell you something…”


Ze’s POV:

Why does Galm look so nervous? “...Yea Galm…?”

“..I,… I. Am. Gay. And…” I looked at him with a huge smile on my face, I knew that Galm was gay and I also knew the other part he was about to tell me… “ ...I, well, I really. Really. Like, uh, J-j-john…” I smiled even bigger “ I’m proud of ya man, and I’ll always be here for you… and, I-i, ah… I have.. I mean…”

I put my hand on his shoulder “It’s okay Steven. You don’t have to tell me if you’re not ready, but I wanted to make sure that you knew that… It will all be okay. Alright?”

I started to smile, he was a good friend and I’m happy that he finally admitted that he liked Smarty, I’ll think of a way to get them alone…


Smarties POV:

“Here it is!” I found two boxes of stuff for the livestream that I forgot to get, “ So… since you, ya kna, came out as gay… is there anyone in mind?” I knew that I couldn’t hide the smile on my face, Chilled looked at me and raised a brow with curiosity and annoyance. “Smarty I am hoping that you Aren’t hoping I say you because this may get reaaaaaaaal awkward…”

“ I was hoping you wouldn’t say that you liked me, it wouldn’t work out since I like Ga-, I-i-i-i mean...ahhhhh.... Let’s get this stuff inside.” I felt my cheeks grow the color of my old yamaka… and it got even worse.

“Oh no you don’t, were you about to say a Black Anthony’s nickname? Hmmmmm?” now it was Chilleds turn to put on a devilish grin. “ I’ll tell ya what Chilled.” “Yes Mr. Galty?” “I’ll tell you about how I feel about Galty if you tell me what I feel about ZeRoyalChaos? Hmmmmmmmm?” I finish with the devilish grin. Me. And I would not let him embarrass me without embarrassing him. I needed some info to tell Galm anyways...

Chilled started becoming a tomato so I just had to ask “ Since we finished our tomatoes for lunch…” “Don’t you dare…” “...Is the tent gonna get pitched next! HAHAHAHAHHA!” “Oh fuck you Smarty… and if you stop making that damn joke...I guess I’ll tell you about… ZeRoyalChaos…” I looked up at him innocently. “Go on.”

“...You have to promise that you won’t make fun of me…” “I promise… well at least not too much.” “God dammit, I guess I’ll take it....”



I thought I'd leave you on a cliff hanger XP

I think the story is going okay so far and hope that you guys think the same!

***********************Sorry if this was more of a Galty chapter but DON'T WORRY, THE NEXT PART WILL BE WORTH IT IF I CAN EXACUTE IT THE WAY I'M WANTING TO!

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