Chapter 2 - Temptation

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*********IMPORTANT MESSAGE**********************



Ze’s POV:

As I started walking off my plane I started getting even more nervous. I was used to meeting with the Crew online and it was easy to keep my composure then. But Chilled, when we’re together in person I feel like my minds in pieces. When we hug I want it to last forever and I normally can’t help but stare until I’m almost caught.

I was brought out of my mind when I heard a choir of “HEY ZE!” to my right.

I then felt strong arms snake around my waist and pull me into a tight embrace, it felt so nice, there was only one person  could think of at that moment. “... Hey Chilly Willy” I was probably smiling like an idiot as I turned and hugged him back.

“...And here we have ZeRoyalChaos reuniting their love at the airport…” I heard Smarties voice say as he pointed the camera toward me and Chilled hugging, I reluctantly decided to let Chilled go and give quick hugs to smarty and Galm, I couldn’t look any of them in the eye though after smarty caught me enjoying that hug so much on camera…

“Let’s start heading to Chilled’s!” I said slightly anxious, I just want to get to the car so I can calm down.

(Time Skip to Chilleds place)

Chilled’s POV:

“We’re here!” I yelled to everyone, they were busy having a conversation about their favorite Zelda games.

“Great!” Ze said excitedly and smiled so big, his smile, it was beautiful. I couldn’t help but smile back, we just, kinda stared for a while, I flicked my eyes to his lips. Man did I want to kiss this man. No. I can’t, I don’t want to lose my best friend, at the same time though, I feel as if he’d be an even better boyfriend.

“CHILLED!” I snapped back to reality as Galm and Smarty screamed my name. We were moving backwards? “Crap! Not now!” I knew that my car's brakes had been having trouble but they never STOPPED working. 

“Crap! Crap! Crap!... I’ll inch the car forward but what are we supposed to do?!”

“I got an idea!” Smarty suddenly butted in. “ I’ll go around and make sure to keep inching the car up when it goes back, Galm you go find some rocks, wood stoppers or bricks or something to stop the car and Ze and Chilled…” I saw Smarty give Galm a devilish grin, “ two go to the back and make sure the car doesn’t slid down, then I’ll just try to keep the car going enough not to run ya over!” Smarty said the last part proudly. and I have to admit…

“Not a bad idea at all Smarty…” Hell was I gonna lie, at least I was gonna be with Ze. Hell, maybe we would have a chance to talk about things… before I had to tell Galm and Smarty…

Galm had already gotten out of the car to go and look for something. “Let’s go Ze!” Did I say that a little too enthusiastically? oh well.

Ze’s POV:

Is he as happy as I am that we get to do something as simple as this together? I hope so… crap I should probably get out there, “ Comin!”

Me and Chilled stand behind the car and push it whenever it starts to roll down. Every time we do, our arm slightly tough and I shiver but not just from the cold. “...Ze? You here buddy?” I hear Chilled talk and remember that this isn’t just a dream, I can feel my face and ears warming up but not in the way I want them too. 


“U-um...well… there is kind of something that I wanted to tell you…” He seemed more nervous than usual, and his face became an even deeper red. So I started to get nervous.

“What is it Chilly Willy? Are you okay?” I was a little worried now.

“Well…” I saw a smile for a second. Was it because I called him Chilly Willy? I know he liked my nickname for him but… 

“It’s about me… and Jess… and who I am…” No. Oh no. Please don’t tell me he’s about to ask me to be his best man or something...Please no...

“Ze…? Are you okay? I thought I was supposed to be the one who was nervous?...” “Oh sorry Chilled… um… go on…” Am I really that visibly scared I mean...I know how much I like him...but...he’s straight...I mean he has Jess… what would he need me for than just a friend…

“...Ze me and Je-” he wa cut of by Galms voice “Hey guys! I found four bricks!... They’re fucking heavy but that’s even better right?!...Here… Chilled you put this one under that tire and Ze… This one under that tire. Keep pushing against the car till I get these two in place.” What was he gonna say? Damn… is it better that I not know yet I mean wha-

My thoughts cut short when I slipped on the Ice finally, I started falling forward till someone caught me from the side and pulled me was Chilled.

“...are you okay?...” The concern in his voice made my heart skip, his strong arms wrapped around me, I felt so calm and happy, I wrapped my arms around his neck, “I'm okay...Thanks...Chilly Willy…” I heard him smirk a bit then just shiver, we held each other for a while till we heard Galm again.

“Alrighty! Last one’s good! So- what? Are you mad or something Smarty?” Smarty was staring at Galm in annoyance. Why? Had he seen what happened between me and Chilled? Wait. No. Nothing happened Steven. You just slipped and your FRIEND helped you. That’s it.


Well this is again a short chapter, sorry I've just been busy lately, I have a good idea about the next part of the story and I'll try to get it up by tonight but I at least wanted to get something up when I had wifi again, wish for ya'll to like it!

*Again, any ideas on Galty or no?

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