That College Life

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•Sabrina's POV•

"So how are your classes going" Bradley asks over the phone

"They're pretty good. What about yours"

"They're great. Im loving this college life"

"Same. Met any new people?"

"Yeah some. But you're still the only girl for me" he says sweetly

I blush. Wow he can even make me blush over the phone.

There's a knock at the door.

"Hey Brads I have to go. I'll call you back later"

"Okay I love you".

"I love you too" then I hang up

I get up and answer the door.

"Grayson, hey" I say to the tall, cute, blonde boy standing in my doorway.

"Sab hi I need you're help" he walks past me sitting on my bee

I know what you're thinking....but no, I don't like him. Plus, he is ...into guys.

"What's up cutie" I sit next to him

He fake smiles, he hates when I call him that. I love to annoy him

"My family is coming here to visit ...and"

"Wait... You haven't came out to them yet" I ask surprised

"No. Im scared too. I finally figured out 'who I was' when I got here.... I'm scared they'll think of me differently"

"Don't worry Gray they're your family ....they'll love you no matter what"

"I hope youre right Sabby but thanks" he hugs me then walks towards the door "well I have to go but I'll text you"


I look at my phone. Dang I have 5 minutes to get to class... I better run.

I leap off my bed, grab my stuff, and sprint out the door.

•Bradley's POV•

I walk into my Spanish class and sit next to my friends Connor and Ashley.

"Hey Bradley" they greet me


"How are you and Sabrina" Ashley asks smiling

"We're good, thanks"


"We're gonna go grab lunch. Wanna come?" Connor asks

"I'm good you guys go ahead"

As I walk back to my dorm memories of 'that gang' and I, in highschool flood into my mind.

I remember how Corey was gonna ask out Rowan until he found out she was going to Stanford.

He thought things might not work out.

Peyton had this girlfriend, Stacy he loved her. Then she moved to Tennessee and cheated on him. He was heart broken

But Sab and I. After 10th grade...we stayed strong.

I walk into the room to find Peyton and some girl making out. I clear my throat and they pull apart.

They both face me and Peyton's eyes widen. Then I realize its the girl Corey's been talking to.

"Bradley uhh uhh " Peyton stutters

"I'm gonna go" she says and quickly walks out of the room

Silence fills the room.

"Bradley don't tell Corey please"

"What that you were kissing the girl he's been crushing on for the past month" I say loudly

"It...just happened. She came to see Corey and he wasn't here and... We were talking and...just got caught up"

"A lot of things 'just happen' with you don't they" I say putting air quotations over just happen

He narrows his eyebrows "what's that suppose to mean"

"Nevermind... Don't worry, I won't tell Corey...but you better pray he doesn't find out because if he does, you're gonna regret everything"

Then I walk out of the room leaving Peyton standing there dumbfounded.

•Sabrina's POV•

After class I head to Starbucks for my daily dose of caffeine. I look like crap right now.

I don't usually get ready until after my second class. My first two classes are just too early.


I walk up to the counter and tell the guy what I want.

"Okay that'll be 5.35"

I search for the money and just as I'm about to pull it out I hear someone say

"Its on me"

I look up and see a familiar face...but I don't know who it is "Thanks" I smile

"No problem . You're that girl from the party right"

I just look at him confused

"Oh were a little out of it when we met. I'm Sam"

"Sabrina" I introduce myself "I'm surprised you remember me, that party was over a month ago"

"Its hard to forget a beautiful girl like you" he smirks

I just laugh.

We talk until its time for me to leave.

"I need to go get dressed. I have class in 30 minutes"

"I'll walk you" he offers


Well dang Peyton you ruin everything. Nah jk.

Anywayyyyy I might update again today but idk cuz I have a party thing to go to soooooo

Hope you liked it.

Until next time

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