Wedding Day

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••WARNING•• This will be sort of long.....and formal and boring (to me) soo yea

•Sabrina's POV•

"I can't do it...I just I'm gonna pass out" I say pacing back and forth

"Sabrina...Sabrina. Calm down" Rowan says "everything's gonna be fine...I promise"

"Hey pretty thang" Sarah says walking into the room "let's go get you dressed"

Sarah is my maid of honor. My bridesmaids are Shannon, Rowan, and Fallon.

Oh by the way... Fallon is this great girl I met in college. She is one of my best friends.

•Bradley's POV•

"Dude I'm so nervous " I say as I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans

"Don't worry man, it's all gonna be good" Corey says

"Yeah dude, its gonna be alright" Peyton agrees

I nod and my mom comes in the room "hey honey" she kisses my cheek "you need to get ready...go take a shower, now"

"Yes ma'am" I say and walk to the bathroom

Oh yeah, so I had a hard time picking a best man...since Corey and Peyton are my best friends. So, they settled it like men...they wrestled for it.

Believe it or not... Corey won. Peyton was really bummed so Corey gave it to Peyton.

You should've seen Peyton's eyes light up when Corey said that.

So my best man is Peyton and my groomsmen are Corey, Paul, and Donny. Paul and Donny are two of my closest cousins. We use to do everything together.

I asked and they gladly accepted.


As I make my way down the aisle and take my position at the front I feel as of I'm gonna faint. I'm so nervous.

Everyone else such as the groomsmen and the Minister take their place.

The brides maids make their way down the aisle then after they finish the traditional wedding music starts to play. Everyone stands up and I know she is on her way.

•Sabrina's POV•

After my brides maids and all stepped out and walked down the aisle...I knew I was next.

I take a deep breath as my father intertwines our arms together.

"Ready baby girl" he asks

I nod and we begin to walk. Im glad he is next to me because if he wasn't, I'd fall right on my face.

My nerves are crazy. About half way down the aisle I lock eyes with Bradley.

As I look at him all my worries went away. I just continued to stare at him. He had the biggest smile on his face.

I tried not to cry... But I can't help it.

We stop when we make it to the front. I smile at Bradley and the minister begins to speak.

"We are gathered here today in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together Bradley Perry and Sabrina Carpenter in holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God" he smiles and takes a huge breath

Wherever You Go (Sequel to Whatever Falls, Breaks)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora