Los Angeles

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•Bradley's POV•

"You're so beautiful" I say pecking her soft lips

She blushes and looks down

"That's adorable... I love when you do that"

She looks up and I see I those beautiful blue eyes staring at me.

"You're the best Bradley"

"Well you do bring out the best in me" I say moving a piece of her long brown hair  out of her face

"I lov-" I start then the door flies open

"Hey Brads dude I need to talk to you. Hey Tori" Peyton says barging in

I sigh and look at him "what"

"Umm well I kinda need to talk you in private"

"Dude... Tor can know too. She's my girlfriend, we have no secrets"

"But dude sh-"

"I'll go" She says interrupting him

"No babe, you can stay" I grab her hand

She flashes that white smile at me "its fine, I needed to get going anyway"

"I love you" I peck her lips

"I love you too. See you guys later"

She walks out and I turn to Peyton "what"

"Well I didn't want Tori really hearing this....ummm"

"Hurry up dude"

"We invited Rowan and Sabrina to come visit us for a bit" he says fast


•Sabrina's POV•

"I'm not going" I say plopping on my bed

Rowan just told me that we were going to L.A. to see the guys.

"You're going" she demands "we are on break and we are gonna go visit our friends"

"They probably don't even want me there" I say scrolling through my twitter feed  "they don't like me"

"That's funny because they told me to make sure that you come"

I don't bother to look at her, I'm lost in my phone.

"So you're going" she repeats then leaves

Bradley hasn't talked to me since the last time that I saw him. He won't answer my calls nor my texts, but I don't blame him.

I wouldn't talk to me either. I don't really want to go to L.A.

I just can't face Bradley. But hey, its been over 6 months...who knows, he might miss me too.

•Rowan's POV•

"ready to go Sab" I ask

"Yep" she smiles and walks out of the room

Wow, she got happy about this trip real quick. Hmmm...?

We walk out to the car and put our bags in.

"Los Angeles, here we come" I say starting the car

5 hours later, after many stops, we are finally at our hotel. We get to our room and pass out.

•Sabrina's POV•

I wake up to someone beating on something. I try to ignore it, Ibturn over and bury my head in a pillow.

The knocking finally stops and my phone starts to ring.

"Great" I say to myself

It continues to ring, I let out a huge sigh then answer it. Not bothering to look to see who it is.

"Hello" I answer quietly

"Get your lazy butt up and answer the door" someone yells

The line goes dead... That was so Peyton.

I open the door and get atyacked by hugs.

Corey picks me up "ahh best friend, I missed you"

He puts me down and Peyton smirks at me then yells "HUG ME BROTHA" I look at him "SISTA"

I laugh and hug him tightly

Then they make their way over to Rowan.

I look around....no Bradley. I'm pretty bummed but hey, at least I've got these dorks.

"So you mean you guys don't hate me"

"We couldn't hate you Sabrina, we were just ...pretty much trying to comfort our boy. Yah know?" Peyton admits

"I gotcha"

We hang out in the room for a bit then we get ready and explore L.A.


Well... Hoped you liked it. No one hates Sabrina....yay!!!

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