Y'all Are The Best

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One...I few so 'country' saying y'all... But that's normal for mehhh

Okay I just wanted to say thank you for being the best people ever

Thank you to everyone that read The Girl With The Blue Eyes and then continued to read my stories after that

I thank you even if this sequel thingy majig is the only one you read

I never thought that when I posted that first chapter of my first story that I'd even get more that a few reads. I was soooo happy when I got 100

I appreciate the reads, votes, and comments. You guys made me laugh and smile

Y'all made my worst days better...you didn't hate me for my grammer, spelling and all those kind of mistakes.

If I needed time to think about a chapter...y'all understood and I really appreciate that

I can't thank y'all enough. You guys are my friends whether you want to be or not :)

So lemme tell y'all about men

•I'm Martina


•I watch Disney Channel guys...

•There are these 2 people that have made me crayyy (Bradley and Sabrina)

•I like saying y'all

•People think I speak Spanish bc I look Mexican (I'm half Hispanic and half Caucasian) so when they speak Spanish to me its super awkward... I just stand there

•ummm I have no life lol

well that's about it ...you probably didn't need to know that at all and it had nothing to do with anything but yolo

Sooooo yeahhh thank y'all sooooo much

Omg omg yeah how did yall like Girl Meets Master Plan? I loved it.

Who do you this is gonna kiss Maya in Girl Meets First Date? Hopefully Josh.

Final question Patriots or Seahawks?? Patriots because Bradley. Tom Brady #12 baby

I just answered my own questions....okay yeah alright that's enough

Byeeeee ✌✌✌✌

Wherever You Go (Sequel to Whatever Falls, Breaks)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora