Noah & Sophia

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--a few years later-- *that Spongebob narrator dude voice**

•Sabrina's POV•

"So I am pregnant?" I ask the doctor, excited

"Well..says so right here" she says pointing to the ultra sound "and looks like you're having twins"

"Twins?!" Bradley says


I wake up with horrible stomach pains. I get up and make my way to the bathroom, when I notice that the bed is wet.

I gasp as I hunch over in pain

"Br-bradley" I barely get out "BRADLEY"

He shoots straight up "what are you okay?"

"I think my water broke" I say

His eyes widen and he jumps out of bed puts on a shirt, grabs his keys, then grabs me

Wow he is strong...picking up a pregnant person.

He quickly hurries outside and rushes me to the hospital.

"My wife...umm her water broke" he says running into the hospital

I'm in horrible pain...they put me in a wheelchair and take me to a room.


"Come on you got this one more push!" The doctor says

I squeeze Bradley's hand as hard as I could and pushed.

I hear a cry of a baby and then the doctor speaks up "okay Sabrina, that was the first to go"

"Which one was it" Bradley asks


He turns his attention back to me...

"Push" he says loudly

3 minutes later I hear another sound of a crying baby

"And here is your baby girl"

I cry more tears and smile...feeling happy and relieved .

Bradley holds our son and they hand me our daughter.

"What's their names" the nurse asks

"Noah Mason" Bradley says "and.." He looks at me

"Sophia Rose" I smile

"Those are wonderful names" she smiles as she writes them down

•Bradley's POV•

I can't believe today two little angel were brought into this world...and their mine and my beautiful wife's.

"I'm scared " I say looking in the cribs of Sophia and Noah

"Why" Sabrina asks

"I don't want to fail and this dad thing"

She rubs my shoulders and wraps her arms around me "you'll be a wonderful dad"

I turn and wrap my arms around her waist as I kiss her forehead "Thanks B...and I know you'll be a great mom"


And DA End.

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