Who's Sammy?

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•Bradley's POV•

I look over at Sabrina's phone...I probably shouldn't have but I did. Some person named 'Sammy' texted her.

"Who's that" I ask

She freezes "umm my friend. Why"

"Just wondering. Are you gonna text them back"

"No. Im with you."

I just try to ignore it and enjoy my time here.

"Hey guys can we have some time alone" Sabrina asks

"Sure. Guys do y'all wanna go somewhere"


Peyton and Corey follow Rowan out the door.

Sabrina lays her head on my lap and I play with her hair.

"I really missed you B"

"I missed you too"

"Im scared you'll find someone else"

"I-I would never. I love you"

I start playing with her fingers and feel like its a good time to ask.

"Where is your ring"

"Oh uhh I uhh took it off when I was washing my hands and forgot to put it back on"

"Oh okay"

She leans over and opens her drawer then puts the ring on.

Why was it in there?

"There we go" she says smiling

She sits up and kisses me "you'll always be mine. Forever"

We lay there and watch a movie for a while...then I gets boring.

She sits up and looks at me "Wanna go to a party tonight"

"Uh sure I guess"



We are on our way to some party.

"Turn left" Sabrina says "now make a right, and its right there" she points to some huge house

"Come on this will he great" she gets out of the car

I get out and she grabs my hand, dragging me into the house.

•Sabrina's POV•

"Hey Sabby" Sam walks up to me

I give him a look that says 'go away' but he ignores it.

"Oh is this Sammy" Bradley asks

"You can call me Sam"

"Hey Sam, I'm Bradley" he says in return

"Oh... This is Bradley?" He sorta smirks

"Yeah" I quietly say

"Well I'll leave you two, nice to meet you Bradley. Bye Sab"

I just nod my head and turn to Bradley.

"He seems cool"


Im leaning against he wall watching Bradley. He is over with a bunch of people taking shots.

I told him to have fun, but I didn't know he'd just like ditch me. But whatever.

"Hey B" someone says wrapping their arms around me from behind

I turn to see Sam "don't call me that"

"And why not"

"That's what Bradley calls me... Only Bradley" I scoff

"Okay... Well it seems like he left you all alone. Also, this is the first time I haven't seen you drunk at a party"

"Well I'm not in the mood" I cross my arms

He hands me a drink but I deny it.

"Come on Sabrina. Lighten up"

I finally take the drink and chug it down. After that, there is no stopping me.

I'm just drinking them one after another.

Sam whispers something to me and grabs my hand leading me out the door


Sam takes me back to my room and closes the door.

We start to make out. I'm enjoying this but I'll regret it later...I just know it

•Bradley's POV•

I'm walking around this stupid party looking for Sabrina. I can't find her anywhere.

I leave for couple minutes to take a fee shots and she disappears.

I hope she didn't think I was drunk ...a few shots don't affect me like they use to.

"Row, have you seen Sabrina"

"No.. But I talked to her earlier and she seemed upset"


She shrugs her shoulders and turns away

"Are you looking for Sabrina Carpenter" some guy asks me

"Yeah.... Who are you? Do you know where she is?"

"I'm Grayson, Sabrina's friend. I saw her earlier with some guy... But I think they left. She was kind of out of it. Who are you?"

I feel the anger boiling up inside of me "her boyfriend"

I tell Rowan that I'm leaving to go look for Sabrina. She decided to tag along and so did the guys.

"Where could she be" Peyton asks

"If anything she probably went back to campus if she was drunk"

We drive back to their dorm and walk to their room.

Rowan unlocks the door and I rush past her, into the room.

I stop dead in my tracks when I see them making out on her bed



Wow....smh Sabrina S-M-H

Wherever You Go (Sequel to Whatever Falls, Breaks)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora