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•Bradley's POV•

Its been 4 months since I last saw Sabrina. We are apart but still going strong. I've been wanting to visit her but I've been so busy with classes and all.

On Friday which is tomorrow, the guys and I are driving out there. Then we'll get a hotel and surprise them on Saturday.

Oh and did I mention... Peyton told Corey. He forgave him but he isn't talking to that girl anymore.

•Sabrina's POV•

"You're so cute" Sam says

I blush "thanks"

He wraps his arms around me but I pull away. "Remember... I have a boyfriend"

"I'm just being friendly" he grabs my hand "plus he isn't here"

"But I love him"

"Then why'd you take that ring off that he gave you"

I look at my finger where the ring use to be. I remember that I took it off before the last party I went to.

When I took it off Rowan got so mad. I just... I don't know.

"That doesn't mean I dont love him"

"You said it was a promise ring though...those are suppose to symbolize love if you love him why would you take it off"

"And how would you know" I ask rudely

"Because I do. Hey I'm not trying to break y'all up....but I know you feel something for me" he scoots closer "admit it"

" I don't"

"So you don't feel anything when you're with me" he whispers softly in my ear


"How about when I do this" he kisses my neck

"Stop" I say

He continues kissing my neck "if you don't feel anything why is it bothering you"

"Cause its not right" I get up

"Sabrina... Its college. Have fun"

~next day~

•Bradley's POV•

We just got to Stanford, California. We are gonna go check into the hotel and then go to the campus tomorrow.


"You guys ready to go" I ask

"Why not" Peyton says

We get in the car and first I go to the flower shop and buy Sabrina a bouquet of roses.

I then go to Starbucks and get her favorite drink.

After all that I head to her dorm. I texted Rowan and asked her and where it was and what room.


We stand in front of the door waiting for someone to answer.

The door open up and I see a wide eye Sabrina.

"BRADLEY" she screams and wraps her arms around me

"Hey baby" I kiss her "I missed you"

"I missed you too. Come in"

We walk inside and I give her the flowers and her drink.

"Thanks the flowers are beautiful"

I notice that her ring isn't on her finger but I ignore it.

•Sabrina's POV•

"Hey guys! I can't believe you three came"

I sit on my bed wrapped in Bradley's arms. The other guys are on Row's bed.

"How has a everything been" I ask


"WHERE ARE THEY" Rowan comes barging in through the door "I can't believe y'all are here"

We sit in the room talking to hours. I missed these guys. Especially Bradley.

My phone vibrates, its a text from Sam. I smile when I see him name pop up on my phone.

I open the message.

Sammy hey Sabby

I was just about to reply when I realize Bradley is looking at my phone. I lock my phone and sit it down beside me.

"Who was that" he asks firmly

Oh crap...


*cue Ricky Dillon's yikes dance* haha

Hope you liked it

are you team #Brabrina or  #Sambrina


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