"How could you push me out of your world?"

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Tara's POV

"Cameron Dallas and Tara smoking weed together last night after the sledgehammer tour" I shut the TV off. 

"How could you fuck smoke are you fuck stupid?"

My Dad came on to my tour after hearing about Cameron and I smoking weed.

"Dad I swear we didn't-"

"Tara Bieber don't you dare tell me 'Oh Daddy we didn't smoke I swear' cause Tara its all right there!"

He yelled at me.

"Ever heard of photo shop?" I said with sass.

"Yeah I have, and that's real." He spat.

"No, its not you idiot!"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that." he said sternly.

"Well your dumb as fuck! You actually believe I would smoke weed?"

"Yeah I do believe you would do something like that." he said looking at me in the eyes.

"You don't know shit Dad." 

"What did you just say to me?" he asked.

"I said you don't know shit Justin! You think your perfect? No your not. You think that you can fuck any girl you want! All of your damn side hoes. Haliey, Ashley, Yovanna, Barbra, Chantel. Oh yeah I remember Chantel she was the reason why I didn't live with you for 5 years right? And then you took me away from the people I actually cared about. Because you Justin Bieber are a selfish asshole. Go back to the prostitute house and bang some girl and get aids. Never mind you probably already have some."

I then walked off my tour bus and went to find Cameron. 

Justin's POV

I can't believe she just said that to me. 

I looked at the picture on the screen and the pictures in my hand. I sighed heavily. 

"I should go after her."

I walked out of the bus looking for Tara.

Tara's POV

I found Cameron, and told him about everything. And I when I say everything, I mean everything. I told him about my past, birth parents, Justin adopting me, Justin partying, Justin getting drunk and losing all rights to me, Justin not talking to me for 5 years, Justin coming back into my world. 

"I'm so sorry Tara." He hugged me.

"You are my warrior." He kissed my head.

I hugged him back. 

i never looked at myself as a warrior, I thought it was just shit being tossed at me by shity people. 

I got up from sitting with Cameron.

"Where are you going baby?" Cameron asked concerned.

"I need to be alone." I said a little sadly knowing what I was about to do.

"Don't do anything you'll regret." I turned around and smiled at him. I walked back to him and kissed his lips lightly. 

"I won't"

I walked back to my tour bus. It was empty. 

Good. I thought to myself.

"Don't do anything you'll regret" Camerons voice playing in my head.

"I won't regret it." I said picking up my blade. 

I sat on my toilet seat and placed the blade on my wrist. I moved the the blade over my perfectly pasty white skin. I screamed a little bit. Blood. I repeated this 5 more time. And looked at my mess. I didn't care. I looked in the mirror at my tears and hated what I saw. I screamed. 

Adopted By Justin Bieber (Book 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora