Chapter 14: N-No...It Can't Be...

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After being soothed by Shinsou, I headed to my class. Waving goodbye to my new friend, I took a deep breath and slid open the door to Class 1-A.

Here goes repeated the last part in my head as I smiled awkwardly.

"Why are you late this time?" Aizawa scoffed as he rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed


Jeez, looks like somebody didn't get their morning coffee..!

Perhaps you've forgotten that he's always like that?

Eh, true..can't deny that

For once we actually agree on something! Never thought I'd see the day!

Oh, shut up!

You're basically telling yourself to shut up. You're me, in case you have forgotten!

"Have you forgotten how to talk, too?" Aizawa rolled his eyes and waved his hand in front of my face.

"Get cho crusty a** hand outta my face you f*ckin' dinosaur!" My dark side managed to speak up.

"Excuse me?!" Aizawa glances at me then his hand, then back at me, shoving his hand into his pocket.

"Well, look who visited from the depths of Hell..! Nice to hear from you again..." I mumbled under my breath

"Can't say the same to you!" My dark side piped up

"You never can, now can it, would ya?" I growled at my dark side

"Fine, if you need me I'll be back in the depths of Hell."

"Uh huh, you do you, sis. I'm pretty sure I won't be needing you until later tonight though.." I whispered

"What was that?" Aizawa asked

"Nothing! I'll go to my seat now!" I said nervously

"Uh huh, good luck even sitting there. There's so much chalk from the writing on your desk that it's hard to breath." Aizawa said sarcastically, chuckling a bit as he waved his hand in front of his face, as if he was warding off a foul stench from the air.

"Sh*tface..." My dark side whispered, loud enough only for me to hear

Sitting in my seat, I wiped off the excess chalk off of my desk and seat.

"Just die"
"Kill yourself already"
"You'll never be a hero"
"You'll never measure up"

"Well, at least you guys know some words from the dictionary. I was beginning to believe that all of your so-called 'insults' were child's play!" I sarcastically rolled my eyes, sitting down and dropping my bag to my side in the process.

"I swear, ima beat these piche pendejas up with the chancla if they don't stop!" Adi cocked her head to the side, hissing loud enough for the whole class to hear her remark.

"Don't... It's fine. I don't care about it anymore." I said calmly, grabbing hold of Adi's wrist softly. Keigo was talking with somebody else, I noticed he has gotten a bit distant. I continue to stare at where Keigo was until I saw Adi's hand wave in my face.

"Hello~ Earth to Nao!" Adi said a bit loudly, causing people to glance over at us.

"You okay, Nao? You've been off lately..." Adi glances in Keigo's direction as I snapped back into reality again. Shaking my head and blinking a bit, I turned to face Adi to give her my attention.

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