Car ride

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Here you go

(  Ben P.O.V.)

We were in the car. Erica and I were in the back and she was drifting off to sleep on my shoulder until Cyrus

"Erica we have things to talk about with people. Don't go to sleep. Also don't sleep on people. If you like him you can't because in the spy game no relationships"Cyrus said very cold.

"Well grandpa you aren't in charge of me and my relationships. You have been telling me for the past many years to basically not have a life. Also you said you taught me everything I know to be a good spy, Well you didn't. Ben also taught me something. It was friends are assets and also that if you are less cold to people and more kind to people they will like you more and then you have more friends which can give you more assets. Also if you block yourself off from the world you have nothing."Erica said

"Do not speak to me like that Erica. I am right and what ever Ripley taught you, you need to get it out of your mind." Cyrus replied 

"Cyrus even Rikkie would agree with this, friends can be assets just don't keep them to close. Only keep the people you are 100% sure you trust. Like I bet that Erica trust Ben. Well she should my son would never betray someone that he loves. You and Rikkie are great friends. That's a relationship. I am friends with Catherine. Sam is friends with Alexander and there are many more Hale Ripley relationships. Also you should really listen to Erica and let her choose her options more often and please don't talk about my son like that."my mom said

"Well, Vivian Hales can trust you Ripleys. I said relationships not friendships. There is a difference between them." Cyrus said 

I really know I should of not done what I was about to. I don't know how this will end.

"Cyrus first off you are out numbered with people being able to agree. Second off a family is a relationship and look here how would you have gotten Alexander. You had to have a relationship with someone. How did Alexander get this amazing Erica Hale he had a relationship. A family you would describe relationship. Us Ripley's have a relationship because there are friendships and relationships we don't have friendships we have a relationship same for you. You have a family so you have a relationship."I was speaking for a while.

"I will stand up for Erica even though she could do it herself maybe even better then me because I love her and we could have a relationship if we wanted to and then right there you know you have someone to trust. Also if you don't think you can trust them well then why have a relationship unless you are trying to get close to the enemy which you would already know they are your enemy."I said

The car was silent for a little bit

"Ok kid. Let me think."Cyrus said

"Ok"I replied 

"No you are wrong. She is also my granddaughter so I will treat her like I do. I do not need a kid to tell me what to do."Cyrus said

I don't know how I am suppose to respond to that. So I said what came first to my mind"Ok. Maybe she wants to be treated differently from how you treat her. If I were you grandkid I would be like""Oh god. My grandpa won't stop telling me how I should feel. He won't stop telling me what to do. All he does is give commands. He treats me like a dog, telling me what to do all the time instead of treating me like a teenager that's good"" In my eyes that's how you are treating Erica and how she feels." People were really surprised that I had the gut to stand up to Cyrus and critsize him.

Mike and Zoe had there jaws literally open all the way to the ground. Catherine and Mom seemed surprised and happy I was standing up to him for Erica. Catherine and mom also looked really worried about what would happen to me. Alexander was just full of shock. Cyrus was driving very recklessly while some how going slow. Erica had many emotions. She had shock, surprise, worry, impression, regret, hopeful, respect, guilt and one I rarely saw happy.

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