Because of Me <Hurt/Comfort>

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I've been playing DDLC lately, I'd recommend it if ur okay with blood and swearing and death lol
Get your popcorn, it's EX angst time
CinnamonViper Dreamwheat y'all know what's up

A cold stare was all I received. No recognition, no familiarity, nothing. I knew he knew what I was. I knew what I was. A monster. A freak. A disappointment, a mistake, a stupid little boy.

"EX. No more." He said slowly, as an attempt to not anger me. It didn't work. I wasn't angry. I was just sad.

"Suma-" I cried, my voice cracking as I let the tears flow freely. He shook his head.

"No. You've done enough."

Suddenly, there was a blinding pain in my body, and it took the best of me not to scream. "Suma, I still love you." He widened his eyes before he was gone, and the world was black.

I could barely breathe for the first week. I tried to escape for the better part of two months. I gave up after three. I'd started hearing voices in my head at the five month mark. But, I still loved my brother. He did what was best for both of us. Seven months in I could swear I could see him smirking, saying I was worthless. I didn't believe him. He loved me.

Eventually, I realized something.

There was no light at the end of the tunnel.


I attempted to murder. Because of me.
I attempted to kill. Because of me.
I attempted.
I failed.
Because of me.

I attempted to love. Because of you.
I attempted to try. Because of you.
I attempted.
I failed.
Because of me.

They were evil. Because of the void.
I was evil. Because of the void.
I attempted to escape.
I attempted.
I failed.
Because of me.

They turned on me. Because of the void.
I didn't want it anymore. Because of you.
But you still did it.

Because of me.

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