He Would Win <Angst, Vent>

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A/N: a vent fic


Depression loomed over his small figure, it's fangs bared and claws sharp.

He wiped away a tear and pulled out a sword, ready for a fearsome battle. He didn't know if he could defeat it just yet.

He didn't know if he could overcome the sadness breaking him. He was angry about that.

And if he couldn't defeat it today, he'd try again tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then the next day. And the next. And the next. Until he could win.

He knew he could. Even if it was ten or twenty years in the future. He. Would. Win.

Eventually. Just not right now. He'd do it.

It growled a warning. He brought up a shield.

The shield was labeled Friends.

It blasted fire in his head. Friends came and protected him. That's what friends were for.

Confusion prowled around him, feasting on the devastating sight. He was confused. But the lingering sadness was the main target.

He lifted his sword. It halted in its tracks, seemingly afraid of Help.

It scrambled away, leaving claw marks on the already dying ground.

Depression spread its wings and took off.

It had forfeited.

Ha hadn't really won today. But that was okay. He'd try again tomorrow.

If he couldn't do it tomorrow, at least he tried.

He would win.

Eventually. Just not right now. He'd do it.

He'd overcome depression. He would win.


- owl/mae. I love you all.

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