And It Was Nice <Fluff, Ren x EX>

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Ren x EX. That's all I'm saying, other than that i attempted flUFF FOR THE FIRST TIME ARE YOU PROUD OF ME.

Edit: For Hermitione , because she said that she thought it would blow up.
I got the tnt, but no flint and steel.
You lied to me.
just kidding i love u


"I knew you once," he sang. I smiled, feeling my face heat up. "And it was nice."

"I knew your brain, and your heart- all your insides." His eyes closed as he strummed on his ukulele.

"Oh, I could tell-" he opened his eyes and glanced at me, and immediately I knew my face was red. He smirked. I adored that smirk. "Just with a look,"

"What you were thinking." he whispered. His voice was getting high, and I knew he didn't really like this part of the song. He was going to be crying into my chest when it was over, for sure. "That's all it took."

He seemed like he couldn't go on any longer, so I nodded and continued the song for him. "You shared your secrets, and I shared mine,"

His head leaned onto my shoulder. I took his ukulele from him and started to play- I wasn't as good as him- but I tried. "Silence was comfy"

"Without having to try," he mumbled into my shoulder, voice cracking. I could feel my shirt starting to get wet already.

"We swapped our smiles." I leaned my own head on his, and I could feel him smile. "Gifted advice."

"Yes, I knew you once," we sang in unison, me strumming the ukulele, him facing the campfire we had in front of us.

"And it was nice."

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