And I Love You <Angst>

310 3 9

A/N: Death. Lots of it.

Recall 14

"Uh, hi.

I know you won't be home to listen to this, but...

I'm doing okay.



I don't know what to feel.

I'm sad. But not sad enough.

Like, I feel like I should be sadder. But I'm not. And it's weird.

Since False- since she- well, since- it's hard to talk about, but I have to. Since she- since she d-

It's okay, Ren, you can do this.

Since she died, I've been feeling really down, and I know you don't like when I don't feel good. It's not feeling bad about myself, I just feel bad for the people who- who are sad and- hurt and k-kill themselves. It's not worth it! It never will be!

I know you'd understand because- Cub was like a brother to you. I miss everyone who's k- been gone since- since it all started.

I didn't know Cleo was feeling that way. If I'd known before, and made her feel better about herself- or something, maybe I could have prevented her from doing-

I can't talk about it. I want to, and I have to- but I just can't.

Remember when it was hard talking about Cub's- Cub's d-death? I know you won't like me mentioning it but we all have to get over it and be strong for each other.

We have to be strong so we can be strong together. We can't if you don't love yourself the way I love you.

Yeah, I know it's sappy- but I had to get it off my chest.

Now, uh, I'm just gonna- go and hang with Grian."

Recall 15

"W-well, he's- he's with Cub.

That's basically it.

Love you."

Recall 27

"Hi again.

I'm doing better.

Well- as better as you can be since your once best friend just killed themself-

Y-yeah. Iskall- Yeah.

I have mixed feelings.

I'm sad because my friend just died.

I'm confused as to why.

I'm sorry about all of it.

I'm happy because you're here.

I'm sad because the people I've grown to love (no offense) don't like living anymore and they think death is better.

I'm confused as to why they think that death of all things is better than this.

I'm sorry that I couldn't stop any of it.

I'm happy because I know I'll be okay soon.

And no, I'm not gonna die.

Miss you,


Recall 49

"It's been a bit since the last death.

I think I can talk about it.

Well- Cleo was first. That's basically all I can say. I miss the life she brings.

And then it was Doc- I don't know wh-why. But it was the- the greatest of all time. The GOAT. It was Doc.

Mumbo- I have no words for.

And then Tango- n' Impulse, n' Zed-

Tch, no, Impulse isn't dead, mayn! Nah, Hippie Impulse is- a-alive and well.

I'm going crazy.

I- I think I'm done talking for today. I'll call you tomorrow."

Recall 107

"Hi again! Yeah it's me. You're favourite pup! Heh.

So, how are you? It's gotta be better than when Bdubs- oh. Sorry. I-

I got ahead of myself there and I forgot you were still uncomfortable about it.

Weelll, I'm doing great! Finished off a build, went shopping, basically just stupid things. But they make me feel happy, so that's good.

I wandered around in a village the other day and came across a wild Jellie! Can you believe it? How many hours did you search at the beginning of the season?

A lot... wow, must be a lot.

I think these calls are getting shorter and shorter, and I'm gonna end this one here, but tomorrow, we can have a nice long talk about literally anything."

Recall 184

"Scar, I have some important news for you.

I think I can say 'I'm okay,' and mean it. When I answer that question it doesn't feel hollow anymore.

It feels like a waterlogged stick.

You have to push to get it to float. You have to work. Working makes me know I'm alive. And just being alive is great.

But spending time with you?

Even better.

The sun is shining down on both of us. It's not blinding. It's just pretty.

Like you.

Sorry, I couldn't resist."

Recall 381

"I've been talking to you for a little over a year. Just talking to you about stupid things or serious things or the most random things you can think of.

I love you. 

I'm pretty good, how about you?

That's amazin'.

You can't see it but I'm smirking.

I'm guessing you're dying of embarrassment right now?

Knew it.

Love you,


And P.S.? I'm feeling amazin' too."

A/N: the title is from a meme
If you don't know it. Look up 'girl cries like a car' or something


Scarren? Reallly??


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