Memory <Angst>

227 2 14

A nostalgic song for a sad fic. Be prepared for tears.

Don't forget them. Don't forget the memories you made with them. Don't forget anything. Don't forget what made you one of them. Don't forget the pain you had to endure to see them again.

I've forgotten.

I'm tumbling, I'm turning away from them. I've seen them before, yet at the same time I haven't. I'm losing it.

They're screaming at me to come back.

I don't talk with strangers.

One shakes me by the shoulders. Pleading for me to remember. I can't. I don't know what they want, what they're saying, what they're doing.

I try and explain that I don't know who they are. One falls to the ground on her knees, breathing heavily. Her pink flower crown is wilting before my eyes. A man in a lavender suit hugs her tightly.

One slaps me across the face. The rest shout at them. I cannot feel the pain.

I've felt too much to feel any more.

I punch them before I can stop myself. I can hear the crack of my knuckles as my fist collides with the metal of their helmet. I've probably broken a bone or two.

I still cannot feel the pain. They do not recoil, or fight back. They just stare down at me with unblinking eyes. Broken, dejected eyes.

We stare at each other for what seems like an eternity. I'm determined to win this contest. They turn away from me, looking up at the sky, a silent tear rolling down their face from under the helmet.

I want to comfort this stranger. But I do not know how. What can I say to make them feel better?

From the way the people are screaming at the one who hit me, it seems like they look up to them. Like a leader, of some sort.

They have an angry yet depressed look on their face when they glance back at me.

Have I done something wrong?

Does this person hate me?

A phrase flashes into my mind as I look at them. Crazed by grief.

Have I killed someone?

I do not know. I cannot remember.

I want to know. I want to remember.

How do I help this person? How do I help anybody?

Somebody pushes me away. I fall backwards. No pain. Maybe this person thought that I would hurt them.

I don't want to hurt anyone.

Everything is fuzzy. And dull. It's all just black and white.

In the back of my mind, I know I've let them down.

I'm hurting now.

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