Grounded <Hurt/Comfort>

194 3 8

A/N: hello im not dead yay

A man lay on his back in a field of sunflowers, his limbs stretched out. One hand held a bouquet of flowers, the other a small bottle of honey. The honey was labeled with his name, and memories flashed into his mind about laughing friends. A red feather was on his chest.


Despite the calm atmosphere, he was on the brink of tears. His mind was raging a war on another's. Sometime, he couldn't remember exactly when, the other had had him at knifepoint.


He couldn't focus. His mind was foggy, his vision blurry. He was detached from the world- what was there in trusting it when it left him when he needed it most? He supposed this was the price of betraying creation.


Why don't you just die? the minds yelled in unison. Everyone would be better off without you. He agreed silently. Everything would be better without him. Nobody cared about him. Nobody even thought about him anymore.


The minds slowly became quieter until he could hear nothing but his own heartbeat. This was much calmer than the endless cacophony if meaningless noise from before.


'Let your body melt into the ground, like an upturned bucket of water, flow through the grass and the rivers and weave between trees. What is holding you up? The ground is. You are supported, by anything and everything. Everyone knows you, everyone supports you.'


He came back to his senses. He was cared for. He was thought about. He knew who he was. He wasn't a waste of space, he wasn't a waste of time.


He was Welsknight.

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