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Warning: I cried while writing. Whyyyyyyyy! Death, Angst😫❤

" KEIGO!" Y/N Yells from her spot on her bed remote in hand flipping through Netflix. The Blonde man shoots in The room a panicked expression in his face. "Is The Baby Here!?!?" He yells. Y/N giggles. "No I just wanted some popcorn with some syrup and chocolate chips." She says softly smiling at her husband . He takes a deep breath and calms back the feather he sent to start opening car doors. He calms down letting his wings tuck back in and relax .

He approached his wife and looks down at the bump in her stomach. Y/N looks at him and nods. He drops to his knees and places his hands and cheek on her stomach. "Hi there little guy." He says softly rubbing her stomach . She smiles and ruffles his hair. "Have you thought of any names for him?" She asks Him. " He raises his head and looks her in the eyes. His Golden orbs locking with her e/c. "I like Courage." "Hmm Courage Takami.. I love it!" She squeals. "What about a middle name?" Keigo asks. Y/N takes a moment and thinks I like... ( Insert A Brilliant Middle Name).

Hawks stands up swoops his wife up carefully and nuzzles her face. "When was the last time I told you I love you?" He says. "Hmm" his wife playfully taps her chin a thoughtful look on her beautiful features. " about an hour ago? " She questions. "Well I Love you and little Courage to." He says again locking eyes.

A beeping calls the pair away from there blissful eye contact as Hawks puts his wife down and answers the phone. "We need you to come to the agency Now!" The Commisions President demands. " I cant just up and leave! My wife will give birth anyday now!" He says pissed. "The Agency it's being attacked! I told you you should have left her when you had the chance. How are you gonna be a father when you have to be a hero!" The president shoots.

Keigo had had enough. But what could be do? He was just a caged Bird. A soon to be father bird. He apologetically looked at his wife. Her eyes held sadness. She knew her husband was a puppet to the Commision. She learned that in the early stages of their relationship. She has looked for loopholes a way to free her beloved. He kisses her goodbye. She stops him before he can go and says. "No not goodbye see you later." He smiles sadly . Just nodding. Y/N knows the dangers of his job it is another thing she learned early on.

A little while later She gets a phone call. "She picks it up a and after a second drops it causing the battery to pop out. He's ... Dead. Then a shriek busts through her trance realizing it as her own she notices. Her water just broke. The baby is here. She falls off the bed landing inn the discarded covers that Hawks never needed as he would wrap her and him in his huge wings snuggling in close and whispering sweet promises into her ears. She can't think about that now. 

She grabs the phone and prays. She pops the battery back in and almost forgets the pain when it turns on. She calls nine one one. They arrive to take her to h e hospital. Her last conscious thoughts are of her late husband and his sharp features the way he the....

{ A/N ~Urrgggghhhhh! Why do I do this to my self! Also if I ever have a baby boy I'm making him Courage! Cute Right! I want to name my Little girl Serenity. And maybe if I have another girl I'll make her Irony but I'm not sure about it also I want Serenity to be Serenity Tourmaline _________! Tourmaline is so pretty! What do you plan to name your children? If you plan to have some! Ok ie bye!} 

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