Date Night... Saved PT 2

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 "Umm Keigo?" You ask . "Hmm" he replys. "What now?" You say . "Well..." He trails off. You laugh pulling away. He pouts. "Come backkkkk." He says reaching both arms out. 

You smile fondly but still walk to your bedroom. He's just lies there. A minute or two later arms full of blankets you enter the living room. He raises and eyebrow .

"I'm not sleeping in the cold." You says throwing the like of blankets on the couch and then jumping into the pile . You sink into it. You pull one over your head. Hawks pokes the pile. A blanket moves revealing your face. 

The rest of You is wrapped up like a burrito. "You want one?" You ask. " I don't use blankets. I've got these bad boys! " He says flaring his wings. And knocking over a lamp. "Oops" he smiles sheepishly.

You sigh. And begin to unwrap. He waits until you are completely free before he uses his feathers to grab the broom a dust pan and throw the remaining piece away. You gasp. 

"You monster! You could have let me stay in my burrito!" You exclaim. But he shoos your accusations away. Grabbing you and cuddling you. Your face burns. And your heart pounds. " H-hey! " You squeak.

"Got a problem Baby Bird?" He says wrapping his wings around the both of you. His feathers are soft . And warm. He ruffles them and relaxes. His arms are around your waist. "Not a problem in the world." You sigh relaxing as well. 

Your couch isn't very big. This becomes apparent. "Well I'm going to bed." You say fighting your way through his strong arms and soft feathers. When you finally free yourself and gather your blankets You realize why he hasn't tried to stop you. It's because he has blocked the hall way with a wall of vermilion feathers.

"Shit." You say. He busts out laughing. He gets up and scoops you up bridal style. "Keigoo! If you want to not get kicked out you will put me down!" You scream. " Okay okay! " He says not putting you down.

 "Godammit BirdBrain!" You say flinging your arms and kicking your legs . Your not really trying THAT hard of course but you can't just let him do this! He puts you down on your Queen sized matress. 

"But my blankets!" You pout crossing your arms again. "My wings will keep you warm. " He replys. You sigh. "Keigo you are sleeping in the couch or going home." You say. And he surprises you. He says "Okay. " And then he walks out. Just like that.

You listen carefully for a minute. You hear the front door open. He's really gone? After all that? Well you did tell him couch or bust. But you hoped he would argue.

You never thought he'd just leave. You sigh. What did you expect. He's a Pro hero. He probably has a whole lot of selection. Skinnier prettier selection you think bitterly.

You need your blankets. And to lock the door. You walk into the hall way. And you approach the livingroom entry way. You look around the room. No sign of him. To the kitchen same. You sigh again. Disappointed. You and your stupid mouth. You lock the door and gather your blankets. You go back to your bedroom.

And there laying on the bed is a grinning blonde. "Miss me?" He says . You throw the blankets at him. "Jerk." You say under your breath smiling. " What was that? You're sorry? Aww I knew you didn't mean it. " He says still grinning like an idiot. "In your dreams." You shoot back. " How did you know I dream about you? " He teases.

"Urrgh. Stupid. Idiot. Birdbrain. Gourgeus. Dammit. " You curse under your breath again. You lay down on the edge of the bed. But as expected you don't stay there long. He pulls you to him. And cuddles you.

 Rubbing his cheek on yours. Your heart flutters. Why's wrong with you? You just met him! What about stranger danger? He's in your bed oh God he's. In. Your. Bed.

"Relax Baby Bird Your over thinking things. Hawks says his breath tickling your face. You giggle. "What?" He says " Mr Macho bird man is a big softie. " You say lifting a hand to ruffle his ever windblown hair.

 " If I'm Mr Macho Man you can be Mrs. Macho Woman. " He says you can her the smirk in his voice. You flip over so your facing the wall and not him. Your face is still so red.

"Look at you little spoon!" Hawks says. You laugh. Still not facing him. "But I like it better when I can see your beautiful face. " He adds flipping you back around to face him. 

You are in shock. You've never cuddled with Agelias. He would touch you all the time. But they were never gentle and caring like Keigo's are. The warmth from your closeness almost made you not need a blanket. Almost.

"ZIPPSTERRRRR!" You yelled out. The brown tabby walks in lazily . "Get me blanket!" You told him looking into his eyes and flicking your eyebrow. To Keigo it looked like the cat sighed and nodded. He blinked was he seeing things?

 A dragging sound. And the cat had dragged a fluffy blue blanket to your hand. " How in the Fuck what?! " He exclaimed. "Heheh I raised Zippster Bottle fed him. We have a connection. I wouldn't expect and outsider to understand. " You say reaching a hand out to stroke the cat.

The cat sniffs your hand before turning and sauntering out. "Moody teen." You grumbled. Keigo sighed as you wrapped up in the blanket just as you were about done. He pulled you out and wrapped you in the vast cave of red cloudiness. "You are so stubborn." He says wrapping his arms around you and rubbing noses with you.

You sigh contently forgetting the blanket. "I'm only allowing this because I'm to tired to fight. You say. It's a lie of course.

 There is no way you could ever be to tired to fight. And with Keigo around your spirit fire seems to grow. An with the dropping of Agelias you feel the flames expand out of the box he kept you in.

You fall asleep after a minute or two of comfortable silence. Your h/l h/c hair falling around your face perfectly. A lock of h/c hair falls in your face and he gently tucks it behind your ear. Your deep even breathes fill the air. Then he noticed the ear buds in your ears. When did you put those in?

He gently takes one out and puts it in his own ear. Your f/s is on and he watches your s/t face form a smile. He pulls you closer to him and you shuffle slightly. Your head fits perfectly under his chin. He drift it to sleep. This could be Something. Something worth trying.

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