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Butterfly Hawks X Small!ShyFem!Reader

Your quirk is Butterfly. You can control butterflys. And you have delicate beautiful wings that fold up to almost nothing. 

You keep them folded because you are very self conscious and don't think someone like your deserves such beautiful wings. One day you were out for a stroll and you were whistling the the tune to "Fly Love."

A crowd of about seven butterflies were following you down were landing on you. You made sure nobody was on the street before unfolding your wings and fluttering upwards to the top of a building. When you got up there more butterflies and surrounded you hundreds almost.

Hawks was minding his own business just patrolling around When a whole ton of butterflies appeared in front of him. They cleared to reveal the most beautiful woman he and ever seen.

 She had a petite build and silky intricately detailed wings protruded from her back. She was full out singing "Fly love" She and her eyes closed framed by long perfect eyelashes.

Her feet landed on the ground and She begun to twirl around the butterflies followed her movements. Hawks begun to sing with her. 

She was just carried on with her eyes closed. She danced over to him and extended a hand he took it and they danced. After a while they stopped. She opened her eyes.

"Ahhh!" She exclaimed falling backward at the sight of the pro hero. "Easy there Butterfly." He said catching you by the waist. You turned beet red. 

You pulled away from him and hid your face in your sleeve. "Oh my gosh this is so embarrassing I thought I was imagining someone there!" You mumbled.

He chuckled slightly at you. "Just when you couldn't get cuter." He teased. You went even more red from behind your sleeve shield. "C-can you j-just forget y-you s-saw me?" You asked shyly. "And why would I do that?" He smirked.

"Ugh." You replied. Then you extended your wings and got ready to flutter away. The butterflies appeared again. 

"Hey Butterfly what's your name?" He called. You turned your head and fluttered your wings nervously . "I'm (Fake Name)" You said. Then you were gone.

Hawks spent the next week or so searching high and low. But you had quite completely disappeared. No one knew anything about a (Fake Name) And he couldn't find you legally either.

But him being the determined fuck he is he didn't give up. He often went back to the building you first met him. You were smart enough to avoid that place. 

So it didn't work but he couldn't get the image of your beautiful face and the way your feet gracefully touched the ground out of his head.

You were graceful everything about you. Your voice especially. It was smooth and melodic. And when you sang with him it was perfect. Your voice mixed with his and it was bliss. He gave a dreamy sigh.

 Then a f/c butterfly landed on his nose. He nearly went cross eyed trying to look at it and you giggled slightly from behind him.

He whipped around a big goofy grin on his handsome features. "Ah my little Butterfly Returns!" He said. You flushed at the nickname. 

"I-i w-wanted to see y-you again." You confessed shyly. He smiled widely. "Same here Butterfly." He said walking over to you. "Nice trick you pulled giving me a fake name." He said getting close.

You shrugged blushing. "I panicked." You said blushing at his now closeness. "Aww don't be shy." He said wrapping an arm around you.

 You were red everywhere and stuttering. He let you go and you stepped back gasping. "Don't do that!" You scolded red in the face still. He put up two hands defensively.

"Alright Alright I'll wait until your mine." He winked. You felt like you were gonna faint. "Fuck You." You growled under your breath.

 "Only if you want to." He replied. You turned red again and stormed over to him and slapped him. He smirked rubbing his red cheek.

"You're insufferable." You said crossing your arms. Butterflies were fluttering around you and some landed on your h/c hair. In that moment Hawks knew that you were perfect. 

The breeze slightly ruffled your hair and made your wings flutter. Your eyes were deep and mysterious. You had a million stories to tell.

He wanted to know everyone of them. He wanted you to open up to him and find a spark. He loved your bashful face your small hold able form. He didn't believe in love at first sight but Heck. You might have just made him a believer.

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