Friend and Foe Ft.Dabi

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Friend and Foe. Hawks X Reader X Dabi

Soulmate. Everyone has one. Destined enemy. Everyone has one. On both wrists are a name. One is your soulmate. The other is your enemy for life. There is no way to tell which is which.

 The name on your right wrist had the name. "Keigo" Tho one on your left had "Touya" Until the left one changed. It confused the shit out of you when the writing haven to fade.

Did they die? What was happening? But in a few days the writing changed and formed the name "Dabi." You always wondered what that was all about and Google gave no answer.

 That was the way things are. Your friend was sure that there soulmate was their current boyfriend. His name was on their left wrist. But the thing was he was a jerk. You hoped your soulmate was not like him.

You were on your phone scrolling through (Social media.) You laughed at a post and began reading this long essay someone wrote about thier new cat. It was somewhere in that time you became lost. On one of the sketchiest parts of town. "Shit." you mumbled.

You looked to the left of the crumbled sidewalk and saw a seemingly empty warehouse. But there were two people men by the sound of it arguing. 

"Aw come on Dabi don't be like that." You heard a voice say. Wait Dabi? You glanced to the writing on your left wrist. You decided to wait a little longer maybe you misheard?

You pressed an ear to the warehouse. The voices went hushed. Until a huge stream of blue flame came hurtling at you. You stood calmly let the flame engulf you it kinda tickled. 

Your quirk was quirk immunity. Nobody's quirk could affect you. When the flame subsided. The warehouse door was a plus of ash. But you stood there calmly.

"What?" A figure with dark hair and scars stapled? To his face said as he saw you. The other figure was an overgrown bird. Oh never mind it was just a winged man.

 "Wait is that the winged hero Hawks?" You said aloud. "Oh a fan?" He mused. "Eh not really I prefer (Favorite Pro hero besides him)" you said. He laughed at your teasing tone.

"Why were you eaves dropping?" The other man demanded gruffly. "Ah sorry bout that I'm lost and I heard someone say Dabi?" You explained. "That'd be me." The dark haired man said.

 "Hmm." You said pulling back your left sleeve and holding it up. His eyes widened and you noticed they were a brilliant shade of bright blue even rivaling his flames even.

He lifted his wrist and just above where e the scars ended the name "Y/N" was clear. "Oh so he's either your enemy or Soulmate." Hawks said. 

"Pity your a cute one." He added. "Pfft yeah ill go with that. But there's still Keigo." You said. Hawks stopped dead in his tracks. "What?" Him and Dabi asked at the same time.

You showed your right wrist as well. Dabi gave a husky chuckle. "Would ya look at that." He said. "What did I miss?" I asked. "That's my name." Hawks now Keigo said. "Oh." Was all you could muster.

 "This is crazy." You gasped. The men stood side by side. The Hero The civilian and The Villain looked at each other.

"I wonder." You said. "My mothers name was on my fathers left wrist." You observed. "So maybe its genetic?" You added. "That's a possibility." Dabi said. 

"But then again there really is no way to tell." Keigo chimed in. "Aww birdie wants Y/N for himself." Dabi laughed. You blushed slightly at the statement.

"There is a way to resolve this." Keigo said ignoring Dabi's taunt. "Y/N can spend time with both of us separately and then together. That should give the answer to who is who." He observed.

 Dabi nodded. "That's one way." He said. "But think about their quirk." Dabi continued. "My quirk is immunity. I can't be harmed by any quirk. Be it mutant emitter or any." You explained.

"Their Quirk was made so they can't be hurt by me thus meaning I couldn't be her enemy." Dabi said. "That is true." You said. "I wonder." Keigo said. Then without warning he grabbed you bridal style and flew into the sky. "So I can fly with you." He said. 

"Yeah if someone had a quirk that cause the ground beneath me to levitate I would go with it." You snorted. "Now put me down!" You demanded smacking him on the head. He complied and sat you down at the entrance of the warehouse where Dabi sat.

"I have a question." You said brushing yourself off and running a hand through your wind tossed hair. "What." He said simply. "Why did your name change? It used to be different and it faded one day. I thought you died or something." You said. "Because the old me did die. Its a story you don't need to hear." He said.

"Yeah alright alright I get it 'mysterious bad boy'" you said rolling your eyes. He scrunched his scarred yet undeniably handsome face at your comment. You smiled softly at him. 

His eyes really were amazing. A shade of blue so light but so dark at the same time. His eyes were burning just like his flame and you could see his demons hiding in them.

You blushed and broke eye contact instead to look at Keigo. His eyes were completely different. They were a swirling mix of honey and gold. Giving the illusion of liquid swirling softly. 

They had a mischievous glint and something hidden. A secret maybe that he didn't want anyone to find. They had an almost haunted look behind them. You shook your head and blinked hard.

"What have I gotten myself into this time." You groaned. 

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