Smile. Hawks X Hurting! Reader.

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Shitty days like this are what Hawks Despises. Those days by you wake up and there is a bad taste in your mouth. You get out of bed and stub your toe. You miss breakfast. And you're all out of clean clothes. Then you get a call and you are late. And now you're getting an ear full from the president of the Commitee. Hawks sighs. 

The president looks at him and shuts up. She shoves a packet in his hands and walks of. Hawks drops the Packet off at a secretaries desk and goes for a fly. 

Then he sees you. A h/c ette with tears streaming down your face. You curl up in a ball and slide down the wall. People walk around the shivering person. A man stops and the disgust on his facewoman

."Get your worthless excuse of a man/woman out of the way." He says before spitting at you. You don't even look up. This sight Hurts Hawks to watch.

 You personify his emotions at the moment. You were so broken. Crumbling down on the sidewalk. He drops from the sky lading with a thud in front of you. Gasps from all over the street joined in by Fangirling squeals. 

He scoffs shooting glares at a crowd of fans. This stuns them. The approachable hero hawks? He'll have hell to pay later. But this was his right now. "Hey Kid." He said squatting down in front of you. You look up the tears glistening in your e/c orbs. The breath leaves Hawks and his heart nearly leaps out of his chest. 

Even with your messed up h/c hair and got out puffy red eyes you are breathtakingly gorgeous. "M-me?" You stutter out.

 " A soft smile graces his lips. "Do you see any other fallen angels around here?" He says softly. You almost smile. Almost . The tears threaten to come back. Hawks smile drops. "Hey What's Wrong?" He asks lifting a hand to your cheek. 

Then he sees the angry red slap mark. He takes back his hand. "Did did some one hurt you?" He asks softly. You meet his eyes again and nod slowly.

 He feels his teeth clench. "Oh Baby Dove You don't deserve that. " He says between his teeth. Your eyes widen and your face reddens. He stands up and offers his hand to you. You eye his outstretched hand warily. 

Hesitantly you allow him to help you to your feet. He doesn't let go of your hand. "What's your name Dove?" He asks softly. "I-im... I'm L/N Y/N." You say using your free hand to wipe your tears away. He lets your other hand go and wipes your tears for you. 

Your face flushes and you cover your face with your hands. He flares his wings bringing your attention to him once again. "Ever flown before? " he asks. You shake your head no. With out a moment's hesitation he swoops you up bridal style and takes to the sky.

 You sqeaul and wrap your arms around his neck. You bury your face in his chest. Now it's his turn to blush. Thankful you can't see his face he grins. Slowing down he stops flapping his vermilion wings and glides through the air. "You can look now. " He tells you. And slowly you take your face out of his chest and look forward. 

You draw in a gasp.  The city's lights are coming on and the sun is sinking in the sky. "Its Beautiful." You say after a moment . "You're Even more Beautiful." He says with out thinking . Your face goes back into his chest. Hiding your blush in his chest. 

He lands in a roof top overlooking the city an d the horizon. There is a little tent like structure, a chair, a cooler, and a large cushion inside the tent. Pillows Scattered every where. "What is this?" You ask when he puts you down. 

"Welcome to my Get away place." He says stretching his wings and extending his arms. You laugh. And Hawks's heart is in his throat. Your laugh sounded like the wind blowing through willow leaves while the wind chimes tink. This is the first time you've laughed in  two years.

 He sees your legs quivering. "Do you want to sit down?" Hawks asks you. You nod. He takes you by the hand and let's you sit down next to him on the cushion.

 The sun is almost ready to set but not yet. Hawks turns to you. "What anything to drink?" He says gesturing to the cooler a good fourteen feet away. You now getting up to get the cooler but he stops you gently . He sends out a few feather and they pop open the cooler.

"Soda of choice?" He's asks mock fancily to which you smile. "Do you have sprite?" You say fiddling with your fingers. A bright red feather immediately brings you an ice cold can of sprite to which you grate fully accept. 

He watches as you open I and take a careful sip. Every move you make is graceful get cauitous. Like it you made one wrong move he would snap on you. He had so many questions. Who hurt you? Why were you alone on the streets? How do you Do This to him? 

You see him staring and immediately start apologizing. He stops you a frown on his handsome face. "Baby Dove Why are you apologizing? " He asks his brow creased with worry. "You were staring so I assumed you were gonna hit me. I thought I had done something wrong. " You said your voice barely a whisper. "Y/N look at me. " he says firmly but softly. You meet his eyes again. 

"I would never hurt you and I wish I knew the Fucker that did. He clearly messed with your head. Baby Dove You are so beautiful and that guy didn't deserve you. " he said a low growl behind his words. What you did next caught him off guard. You practically tackled him. 

You buried your face in the crook of his neck and sobbed. He held you tight and stroked your h/l hair. When you had let it all out you just melted into him. Snuggling up to him and enjoying his scent. He smelt like open sky's and moonlight breezes. He wrapped his arms around your waist and put his chin on top of your head. 

The sun set while you were like this and eventually you drifted off to sleep. He wrapped his wings around the two of you. Kissed your fore head and drifted off himself. And right before he slipped into sleep. He heard there's words spill from your perfect lips. "Thank you Hawks. " And a half conscious Hawks whispered. "Keigo. Keigo Takami." And your answer made his heart soar. "I-i think I l-love you Keigo." 

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