Just a Voice In My Head

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Just a Voice In My Head. Hawks X Fem Reader Soulmate AU.

You were walking on a freezing winter day. You huddled into your fuzzy hoodie. You should have worn a coat instead but what can you say that hoodie was calling your name. 

Snow started falling gently and by the look of those clouds it would not be so gentle eventually. You saw your favorite book store ahead and sighed happily. The perfect place to be snowed in.

You walked in just before the owner a nice old man by the name Of James who spoke in a broken accent closed the door. He let you in with a smile. You thanked him and sat down on a plush love seat with a copy of (Favorite book.)

After about a paragraph. A disruption brought you out of that beautiful space. The voice of your soulmate rang in your head. "Ah! Cold!" He said. You wished you knew who he was but you couldn't say your name or location. 

It had to happen as according to fate. You smiled. "Caught in the storm?" You asked telepathically. "Yes and it's Collldddd." He whined back. You giggled.

Then an overgrown bird was at the door of the bookstore. You jumped at the sight of the pro hero. James the old man was conked out at the front desk so you rushed to open the door. Hawks practically flew inside. He fluffed up his feathers and extended them to get rid of the snowflakes.

You slammed the door shut and stood in awe. You shook your head blinked and decided to just go back to reading. You cozied back up and began to get lost in the world of book. Before you were interrupted telepathically again. "Now I'm bored." He said. You sighed. "Read a book or something." You remarked.

"How did you know I was in a place that had books?" He asked. "Oh I don't know I'm just reading right now and I highly recommend it." You answered. "Really. What book are you reading?" He asked. "(Favorite book.) Now leave me alone." You said.

Hawks gasped. Wait. That woman who let him in. She was reading a book that had the same name wasn't she? He looked over to her from the bookshelf he was leaning on. She smiled softly at the pages of the book. She was quite attractive.

But could it be her? He decided to test something. "BOO!" He yelled telepathically. The girl jumped and dropped the book. "Damn it I lost my page dumbass." She shot back through the link. 

It was her. He watched as she leaned over to grab the book and sat back down. He decided to take a seat next to her.

"Come here often?" He asked aloud. She made a face not looking up from her book. "Why are you asking me that were not even in the same room idiot." He heard in his head.

 "Look beside you." He said. She looked up from her book. And dropped it again. "Y-you?!" She stuttered. He grinned.

"The one and only." He mused. "B-but how? I have so many questions. What the fuck Why me?" You started to mumble. 

"Wow not even excited to meet me? After all these years?" He asked mockingly hurt. You looked up at him. "No its not that I just never expected you to be well you." You rambled.

He smiled at the girl before him. "You're cuter than I imagined Baby Bird." He said. You blushed a tiny bit. "Its only now that I get that nick name." You said. 

"So can I have your real name or is it always gonna be Baby Bird?" He asked. "O-oh I'm L/n Y/n." You said bash fully. "That's cute but I'm sticking to Baby Bird it makes you blush." He teased.

"Oh god. Why me?" You thought. "I can still hear you." He said. "Damnit." You groaned. 


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