Chapter 5

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Bella's pov

Once I got into the kitchen I saw Caleb, EJ, Mason, Alexis, Renesmee and Daisy all standing beside Paul and I saw Jacob, Sam, my dad Jared, Embry, Quil, Seth, Leah, Brady and Collin all sitting around the kitchen so I smiled and I walked over to Paul and I kissed him and I said hey baby and the whole kitchen turned around and smiled when they saw me and my kids all hugged me.

So Mason said mommy I missed you and I said hugging my kids back I have missed you to Mason I miss having you at home and Mason said I miss it to but remember I have Angela now and I smiled and said yeah I know and in so proud of you I am so proud of all of you I mean you all have you own lives now and Caleb said yeah we do but we still have you.

Then I said yeah I know and I will always be there for each and everyone of you I promise and then my kids all let go of me and Daisy said mommy is Gracie here and I said yes she is in the living room with your brothers and sister so you can see her when Jacob is finished with this meeting ok and Daisy said ok mommy and then Jacob said speaking of the meeting can we get on with it.

So I said yes you can sorry Jacob and Jacob smiled and said no problem but get comfortable all of you and listen please and all of us the pack, my kids and myself and Paul all said ok Jake and we got comfortable either sitting or leaning against something and then we started listening to Jacob as he said ok so we have a big problem there is vampires in the area and Quil said what how do you know.

Then Sam said because me, Jared and Jacob where on patrol last night and we smelt them and we think they are living in the Cullen's place and I said well they must know the Cullen's aren't around anymore right and my dad said that's the thing I don't think they do because it smells like they have been there for about a week now and I said oh please tell me it's not them.

So Alexis said not who mom and I said as I started crying some vampires who aren't very nice and then Paul pulled me into him and said don't worry we will help protect you and them if it comes to that ok and I said thanks babe and then Sam said look Bella we can't be sure who it is but we have called for a meeting with them tomorrow morning to see what they want.

Then I said ok well then I guess it's better than nothing and Leah said remember Bella we are family now we will fight if that is the case and I said yeah I know and I thank you for that and then EJ said mom what are they talking about and I said I'll tell you soon I'm just not ready yet and Renesmee said but mom we need to know and I shouted now right now you don't now give it a rest and Renesmee looked upset.

So I said I'm sorry baby for shouting I just don't want to go through what I went through yet again and Mason said mom we need to know and Paul said listen kids your mom said she will tell you when she is ready now you all need to stop going on about it ok and Caleb, EJ, Mason, Alexis, Renesmee and Daisy all said ok dad and they stopped talking about the subject.

Then Embry said listen Caleb, EJ, Mason, Alexis, Renesmee and Daisy why don't you all go into the living room and talk with you brothers and sisters while we talk for a while and the 6 of my older kids yeah ok uncle Embry and they all walked out of the kitchen and went into the living room and I heard all my kids talk and interact with each other with my vampire hearing and so I smiled.

So then Collin said look Bella I know your keeping it away from them for their safety but I think you need to tell them in case it is them and we need to fight them and I said I know I need to tell them but I'm not doing it until I know for sure that it is them at the Cullen's house do you all understand that and Jacob, Sam, my dad, Paul, Embry, Quil, Seth, Leah, Brady and Collin all said sure Bella.

So Jacob said ok so I need 3 people to patrol tonight and my dad said alright who and Sam said well um Seth and Leah and the I said wait you said 3 who's the third and Jacob said you are and I said what me Jake you know I can't and Jacob said look Bella you are the strongest of us all because you are half wolf and half vampire so if something was to happen you I'll be able to stop it.

Then I said look guys I'm sorry I can't my kids need me and Sam said Bella they have Paul in the house to keep an eye on them they will be safe and I said no no way I'm not chancing it and my dad said Bella just do it you know we need to protect the reservation as well as your kids and you know you don't have a choice because Jacob or Sam will just make you patrol and I moaned and said oh come on seriously.

So I said yeah dad I know and then I looked at Jacob and I said would you really order me to patrol and Jacob said for the sake of the reservation yes I would and then I puffed and I said whatever I don't care I'm not doing it my kids mean to much to me and Sam said oh we know and reservation mean everything to this pack.

Then Jacob said looking at me yes which is why I order you to patrol with Seth and Leah tonight and I order you to patrol for the next week for your punishment for saying no to the alpha and I huffed and said fine whatever you say Jacob and then Paul said kissing me on the lips don't worry babe I'll protect them they are my kids to and I said I know sweetie I know and I'm sorry.

So then Jacob said alright so Seth, Leah and Bella please go patrol and report to the treaty line tomorrow morning at 9am and then Seth and Leah said ok Jake and then I said sure Jacob like I have a choice and Sam said you choice that option not us and I said yeah I know so you tell me and then Seth and Leah said we will be outside in our wolf forms Bella hurry up and they walked out of the house.

Then I said um Jacob who is going to look after my kids while this meeting is happening tomorrow and Jacob said we have people in mind and then I said yeah ok who and my dad said your mom and Emily Sam's wife is going to be looking after them and I said realising that if I argue with anyone anymore I'll be in even bigger trouble ok fine and I left the kitchen and went into the living room and I walked up to my kids.

As I walked up to my kids I said ok mommy is going now and they all looked at me and Daisy said mommy what's wrong and I said nothing sweetie I'll see you and your brothers and sister tomorrow at the meeting and then I looked at Jude, Leon, Jenson, Gracie and Freya.

Then I said alright Paul is going to take you all home tonight because I have been ordered to patrol with your uncle Seth and aunt Leah and then Freya said but mom what about our bedtime play you and dad always do and I said I guess it'll have to be a miss tonight and I hugged Jude, Leon, Jenson, Gracie and Freya and I said I'll see you tomorrow afternoon.

So Jude said why where will you be tomorrow morning and I said stopping myself from crying I'm going to be at a pack meeting tomorrow morning and it'll be a long one so grandma Kim and auntie Emily will be with you until I get home ok and Jude, Leon, Jenson, Gracie and Freya all said ok mommy we will see you soon and I said yeah see you soon and then I ran out of the living room and out of the house and into the woods.

Then I jumped up into the air and I phased into my wolf and I stood for a few second until I saw Seth and Leah walk up to me as their wolves and Leah thought are you ready and I thought back yeah as ready as I can be I guess and so then me, Seth and Leah all ran off into the woods as wolves and we patrolled the lands of la push right until morning.

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