Chapter 9

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5 years later

Bella's pov

It's been 5 years now since I was taken by the Volturi again and I haven't seen my family since and I just hope they are safe and are having a good life without me but I hope they kno that I will be back with them soon enough because I plan on escaping from here as soon as I see the shot and when I do I'm taking it because I want to get back to my family as fast as I can.

When I woke up yet again after countless rapes I saw someone was on me and I could fell him rubbing against me and I knew right away what he was doing and so I screamed for him to stop but he just laughed and laughed and kept on doing it and so I tried to pull away and I tried to sit up but I couldn't it was if something was stopping me and so I felt around and I felt something on my neck and I started pulling on it and as I was pulling on it.

Then Michael said as he kept raping me and as he was rubbing his thing into me your never getting loose you are stuck until I am done with you and said i said what no please let me go please no more and Michael just laughed and said sorry doll but the Kings want a child and I'm not stopping until they get one and he rubbed even deeper and deeper and I just screamed and he came and did it for 10 years because ever time he did it I wasn't giving any children.

So then 6 months ago Michael got me pregnant and he told the kings and they said I wasn't to leave the room and I was to rest for there babies needs to be in good health and so I have been in my bed since and I am so sore I am just lying on a bed helpless because I haven't fed in days and even though I am trapped to a chain on my leg that stops me from leaving the castle I still don't have the energy to move.

Then the next thing I hear is the door opening so I sat up through the pain and I saw Santiago walk in and he said good morning Bella and I said oh cut the crap what do you want and Santiago said well Aro said I was to take you hunting since you haven't eaten in days and he wants the babies to be healthy and I said oh yeah well he can go fuck himself I'm not eating anything and he should have thought about the babies when he funking beat me to a point where I can barely move.

So Santiago said oh well Aro won't be pleased with this and I said so fucking what I don't care and then I lied back down on the bed carefully and I ignored him and then I heard Santiago leave the room and so then I just closed my eyes and ignored everything around me and after a while the door banged opened again and I jumped up to quickly and I was in pain all over and so I said would you please stop doing that I am so sore and then I looked up and I saw Michael and I got scared and quivered back the the headboard of the bed.

Then Michael just laughed and said don't worry my dear I've harmed you enough it's time for you to feed and I said I am not eating and I don't care what you do to me and Michael said as he walked over to the chain and opened it and removed it from my leg oh I'm not going to do anything but Aro might and then Michael lifted me off of the bed and into his arms and I said as I struggled to get out of them no pleas just leave me be and Michael said no can do Aro wants to see you and that he will and then he walked out of the room with me struggling in his arms and I kept struggling until he got to the thrown room and set me down on the ground and that's when I stood up.

When I stood up I said don't you fucking dare touch me again you dick and I touched his head and then I used my teleport power to teleport him to London and then just like that he was gone and the whole room gasped and Aro said were did you send him bitch and I said oh no where big maybe just the end of the world and I started laughing and Marcus said that is not funny and I said oh I think it is and I think this next part will be to but remember this my kids are my kids and you will not have them and in 10 years time the day the snow fall their will be a war and you and you stupid guards will die and Caius said oh yeah and how's that because I'm leaving and I want a war to take place in 10 years and if you win me and my kids will join you without argument but if me and my side wins you are to leave us along and never come back do you understand.

So Aro said yes we do we will see you in 10 years time Bella and I said yeah see you then fucker and then I teleported myself out of there and I teleport to Seattle hospital because I could tell the baby was coming and when I got to the hospital I took a breath and I walked in through the doors and I shouted help and then I fell to the ground and I saw 3 nurses and 2 doctors run over to me and they lifted me onto one of the hospital trolleys and they took me into a room and then they lifted me over to a hospital bed and the doctors and nurse where talking about me and I sae them attaching me to things and then I saw a nurse put something into the thing on my hand and I said what is that and the nurse said something to ease the pain and that's when everything went black and I couldn't see anymore it was as if I was asleep.

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