Chapter 8

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Bella's pov

Once I woke up I knew I was in the Volturi's castle by the layout and so I sat up and I looked around the room and I saw I was sitting on a bed and so I got off of it and I walked over to the door and I started banging on it and I banged on it for at least 10 minutes until finally the door opened.

Then I saw Felix standing there and he smiled and said oh my it's so good to see you again Bella and I said yeah well the feeling is not mutual and then Felix said well I'm sorry to hear that but the Kings would like to see you so let's go and I said backing away from the door no way I'm not going to them so they can rape me again I've got enough kids thank you so much.

So then Felix walked into the room and grabbed my arms and pushed me out of the room I was in and he walked down a hallway and he said oh the Kings aren't going to hurt you this time they have someone else for that job and he's really good and then I got scared and I started trailing my feet and started pushing myself back so that he can't move forward.

As I did that Felix just said oh good try Bella but it's not going to work and then he stopped at 2 large doors and he banged on the doors and then a few seconds later the doors opened and Felix pushed me into the room and brought me to the middle of the floor and I looked around and saw there was loads of vampires in the room along with the ones I did know.

Then Aro stood up from his chair and walked over to me and said oh my dear Bella it is so good to see you home and I said I'm not home and Aro said oh but you are because this castle is the only place you'll be seeing for the rest of your life and I said what do you mean.

So Marcus said well what he means is that you are never going home because you will either be working for us or being beaten by us nothing else and you are never leaving this castle and I said no I have to I have to feed and I have to phase and Caius said oh you will get fed one of the guards will bring it to you and I said but what about my phasing.

Then Aro said well you won't need it while your here so there won't be any use of using it and I said what no I have to if I don't I will get older and then I will be old and I will never see my kids again please don't and Alec said oh my I guess that's a shame and Aro said well Bella I'm glad we have gotten to talk but I'm afraid that my dear friend Michael is ready for his sexual time with you now so good luck.

So then I looked over to the side and I saw the man that made me sleep before I got here and I saw he was smiling and I said as I started to scream no Aro please don't not again please I'll do anything and Marcus said oh we know you will because we will make you because you still owe us kids and until we get some you won't be able to rest and I started crying and started screaming over and over.

Then Aro said as the man Michael walked over to me oh and Michael remember us the neck brace on her it will stopped her from moving and then when your done put the leg chain on her it will mean she can move but just not to much and Michael said ok master I will do that and then he grabbed my stomach and started rubbing it and Michael said we are going to have a blast of producing babies aren't we my dear.

So then I said as I pulled away from him fuck you dick and then Aro said oh shut her up and Michael said sure it would be my pleasure master and then Michael touched my head again and projected the sleepy thought back into my head and then I fell to sleep again with no idea what was going on around me.

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A never ending life - Sequel to My wolf life (twilight fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora