Chapter 7

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Bella's pov

When the Volturi vampires got to the treaty line Jacob said good day I have Jacob the alpha of this pack and we would like to know what you are doing in this town and Aro looked at me and smiled and said well well it looks like Bella is alive and well and then Caius said yes and without our children too and I wanted to say something but Jacob looked at me and I shut up.

So then Sam said we have strictly told Bella not to speak so whatever you have to say you will say to us and then Alec said ok well we are here to find out where our kids are because we haven't seen them at all and Paul said yeah well you aren't going to ever see them and Marcus said oh yeah and who are you and Paul said well I am Bella's husband and Jane said oh my Bella has a husband.

Then Aro said oh we don't want to know about Bella's life we want to know where our kids are and Jacob said yeah well you aren't going to find out so if I were you I'd just leave and then Caius said if you don't take us to our kids we will bring hell on earth for all of you wolves and the mother fucking kids.

So once Caius said that I got so angry and I thought that was it for me and I got mad and I shouted don't you fucking dare threaten my family and pack you are not getting anywhere near my kids wither I have to kill you or not I mean I cure the Cullen's why not kill you.

Then Jane said what do you mean cured the Cullen's and I said well I have 13 powers and 2 of the is that I can make vampires human again or I can make women pregnant as a vampire and that's exactly what I did with the Cullen's I made them all human and they all got kids and moved away and then Jane said you mean you made all the Cullen's human again.

So I said yes I did they are now full on human and living a life above all and Aro said ok I'm prepared to make a deal and Jacob said ok what's the deal and then Aro said the deal is that Bella comes with us to Volturra and works for us for 50 years and in exchange we will leave the kids along and Paul said what no way and Jacob said there has to be another way.

Then Marcus said there isn't and he looked at me and said if you want your kids, your husband and your family/pack to be safe from us and for us not to start a war with you wolves you will come with us and so I started thinking for a minute and I thought about my kids, Paul, my family and the pack and I said ok I'll come with you.

So Aro said perfect then we should get going and then Paul turned to look at me and he looked angry and he said what Bella don't think of the kids they will miss you so much and I said Paul I am thinking of the kids this means they won't die or get brought into the evil life and my dad said as I kissed Paul on the lips yes but Bella you will and you might not come back from it.

Then I said letting go of Paul and going over and hugging my dad I know but it's a chance I'm willing to take tell mom I love her and I let go of my dad as he said I will I love you baby girl and I said I love you too daddy and then I walked to the other side of the boarder and I stood beside Alec and he smiled at me but I just glared back at him and then I saw Paul about to cross the line.

So I said Jacob stop him and then Jacob said Embry, Quil grab him and then both Embry and Quil took ahold of Paul's arms Paul struggled as Jacob walked over to him and said I order you to stay put and then Paul said fine and Embry and Quil let go and Paul didn't move he just looked at me with sad eyes.

Then I said please take care of each other and remember I love you all and Paul please tell my kids and I mean all 11 of them that I love them and that I will see them soon and then I heard Aro, Caius, Marcus, Alec and Jane all gasped when I said 11 kids but I ignored it when Paul said I will tell them I promise and please come home soon baby.

So I said I'll be home as fast as the years can bring me and Paul smiled and then I looked at Aro and I said I'm ready and Aro said perfect then let's go and then Aro, Caius and Marcus walked in front of me and I went in the middle and Alec and Jane went behind me and we started walking away from my family of wolves.

Then I said protect them and love them and then I was out of view and as we got out of view the vampires stopped and the circled me and they all started laughing and Aro said oh wow you are so easy to fool and I said what what do you mean and Jane said you really think we are going to let you work for us after you took the kids from us.

So I said oh this was your plan to get me away from them so you could kidnap me again and Marcus said well yes but not the same way of course now that your more powerful we had to find another way to capture you and we did and I said oh yeah what because Jane's power won't work I'm immune to that now.

Then Caius said oh we know that's why we thought of this and then I saw a man come out from the trees and he walked up to me and as he did both Alec and Jane grabbed me and I tried to get away but I couldn't and then the man pressed his hand on my head and he planted a sleepy thought into my head and then just like that I feel to sleep and I didn't know how.

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