𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚎! 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎...

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Lokis PoV

I feel a urge to come with Peter on his patrol. I feel that something bad will happen today but I don't know what. If something happens to the other midgardians they can take care of themselves but Peter is only a child. I need to come with him! "Hey Karen?" I asked "Yes Loki?" "Can you tell me when peter will go on patrol?" "Yes I will." "Thanks Friday." "Your always welcome Loki." She said and went silent again. I sighed and tried to get my mind off the feeling...

3rd point of view

Everybody felt like Loki. They felt like something bad will happen and it's creeping up they're back like a spider (hehe spider -v-). "Ok I can't take this anymore. Does anybody have the feeling of that something will happen and it's really bad?" Bucky asked. "Me!" All of them said. "I had the sense that something will happen bad and I am planning on going with Peter on his patrol so I can help him if something happens to him." Loki said. "What about us?" Clint asked. "You can take care of yourself. Peter can't. He will try to hide it like he did last time." Loki said and everybody got confused about the 'he will try to hide it like last time'. "What do you mean he will try to hide it like last time?" Wanda asked. "You didn't see?" Loki asked with wide eyes. "No?! Is it something bad?!" Pietro asked already stressing out more than expected. "He got stabbed or shot, I don't know what but I saw blood on his pants and a little bit of bandaids." Loki said. "Wait what? If he got stabbed or shot then Friday would inform me!" Tony said. "Well then ask her!" Natasha said simply worried for her spider boy. "Friday? Did Peter get stabbed or shot last time on patrol? If yes why didn't you tell me?" Tony said. "I am sorry but Peter told me to not tell and he also went into my system so I can't tell you." Friday said. "That kid is literally gonna give me gray hairs!" Tony said and put his head on the table. "The kid is smart but smarter than needed!" Tony rambled that he's smarter than needed and didn't need to know how to hack into the building for forever. "Are you done?" Everybody asked. "No!" Tony said. Natasha has enough of it and put 20 layers of duck tape on his mouth and smiled....

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        Time skip to patrol
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Lokis pov

"Loki, peter is getting ready for patrol. You should go now!" friday said. "thank you friday."  i thanked her and went. I knocked. "hey Peter, can i come in?" Loki asked. "yeah!" Peter yelled and I opened the door. He was already in his suit but still didn't have his mask on. "Can I come with you on your patrol?" I asked. "Uh no maybe somebody will notice you and think your doing something to me so they will call the cops?" Peter said trying to keep me from not coming. "Peter. I can be a snake and not be seen from a mile away." I said being serious. "Fine! You can come..." Peter said and put his mask on. I smiled and turned to a snake and Peter picked me up and put me around his neck. He opened the window and looked to the side. "hey Loki? Hold tight I don't want you falling to the ground like groceries from a broken bag." Peter said. I wrapped closer to him so I don't fly like he said and then he jumped out of the window. I almost screamed but got used to it and admired how pretty the city looked from up here.

 I almost screamed but got used to it and admired how pretty the city looked from up here

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"Everybody likes the view." He said and chuckled. He saw a mugger happening so he flew there. The mugger was pointing a gun at a lady and asking for her purse and wallet. "Hey! Didn't your parents teach you not to point your nerf gun at somebody?" Peter asked and flew into action really fast. He was fighting the mugger but the person knew how to fight so this wasn't as normal. He got the gun and webbed it at the top of a building next to it. He grabbed the person and threw him at the wall and quickly webbed him when he hit the wall. Then another person looking the same as the mugger at the wall came out and quickly shot at peters heart and I quickly transformed and closed my eyes but I didn't feel it... and then I heard the most petrified blood filled scream ever. I shot my eyes open and saw Natasha standing.. in front of me. I ran to the mugger and literally broke his skull with one bash in the head and ran to Natasha. Peter was already crying and calling Bruce and Tony and I heard both voices saying things and I saw lights far away and red. Peter grabbed his mask and put pressure on natashas wound that was on natashas chest. I was helping and I looked at Peter. He was balling his eyes out and hyper ventilating. "Peter, calm down! Breathe." I said hoping it would work but I think he didn't hear me because he was passing out. This is bad. This is bad. Finally Tony arrived and then dr.strange came out of nowhere and grabbed all of us and dropped us in a portal and we all fell on the ground expect Natasha who gently fell on a hospital bed and Bruce already was working on her. Then the one and only Stephen  came through and started helping. I grabbed Peter and went out. I went into peters room and put him down on his bed. "I'm sorry peter. I should've helped. I promise Natasha is gonna be okay." I said but I was not sure myself. It all happened so quickly. From where did she come from? Why was she there? I snapped out of thinking and went up to the medbays waiting room. There was already every avenger there trying to calm down. I sat down. "Loki. What h-happened?" Clint asked tears spilling out. "We were fighting a mugger. I don't know how Natasha was there but peter webbed up the mugger and then another came in looking the same and shot at peters heart. I went infront of peter but then Natasha came in somehow and got shot..." i said. "She's stro- strong. She's g-gonna be o-okay." Bucky said Tears in his eyes but not coming out. I understand why everybody's crying. They all love Nat. She helped them so much. Natasha helped Tony. Natasha helped Bucky not be the emotionless soldier and live on life even if he killed many. Natasha helped everybody and I mean everybody. Even me. I don't want her to die like that. If I could I would give up my life of how important she is to the world and the avengers.
(Sad alert)
And I'm a nobody. I hurt New York. Everybody thinks I'm a monster. (Okay now cute moment) but peter doesn't. He's really nice. And then my thoughts ended when I just passed out...

Yassss so much for you to read
Sorry Natasha lovers ;-;
Don't kill me please
(Teaser) she may or may not be ok 👀
Okay buh byeeeee
Words: 1252

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