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You know who says darlin if yall read marvel fics!...

Peters pov

When we came back me and natasha saw the team who had the makeup on them didnt get them off and they are begging wanda to get it off. "wanda please i cant go like this to a rescue if one happens!" Tony said fake crying. "I don't know how you people still haven't figured it out..." Natasha said under her breath. "They're just really stupid sometimes but it can be funny to see how stupid they are." I said smiling happily. "Yes it is Pete." She said and smiled as well. The team looked at where we were and rushed at Natasha. "NAT WHAT DID YOU PUT ON OUR FACES!" Everybody yelled in anger. "Hmmmm.... Maybe I put makeup that doesn't come off with water because it's for mermaid actors?" She said sarcastically. "How do we get it off?!" They asked. "You just gotta find a solution. You are scientists so you should know water makeup and something something makes it come off." She said. "I'll just scrub it off with poison then!" Clint said pouting. "Clint you can do that for sure!" She said. "You guys are so stupid that you don't know. I don't use makeup and I even know that!" I said. "Good job ребенок паук." She said. "Thank you мама паук."

-big time skip-

It took the team a week to find out how to get it off but they found out how to get it off by sitting in the sun to melt it off... I don't understand why they were not thinking by just getting a foundation that matched them and just putting it on! They really don't know anything about make up but what am I to be surprised. They are superhero's not makeup gurus like James Charles and other girls. All of the girls and me laughed as they came in with the makeup finally off but it was just dripping off they're faces like ice sickles in winter. "finall i dont need to keep a person i wanted you to meet on hold!" Mr.stark said pointing at Peter. "who?" Peter asked. "Harley!" tony shouted. Peter knew that name.... Harley. Hes been chatting with somebody whos named Harley on instagram. But it surely cant be him! Can it? He thought but got snapped out of it when somebody with the prettiest eyes he has ever seen came in. "Hey old man! So where is that person you told me about non stop?" He asked smiling widely. Mr.stark just grinned and pointed at me. I became like a tomato when he turned around but then I saw Harley from instagram. "Harley?" I asked. "Peter!" He yelled in shock and ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Is it really you? That I talk every week with?" Harley asked. "Yah! I thought we would never meet but here we are!" I said and smiled widely like a child with a big Lollipop that he got from his mommy. "Your getting along really well... PETER ARE YOU DATING WITH HIM!" Dad yelled. "NO DAD!!" I yelled turning red. "Sure sure sure! Tell me that when you get married with him!" Dad said. I got out of the hug and just ran embarrassed out of my mind. I went into my room and plopped on my bed. Am I really inlove with him? I do have a crush on him because I'm gay but nobody knows that of course! They wouldn't support me probably... maybe kick me out.. then my thought were cut with a needle when somebody knocked on the door. "Come in!" I said. Somebody opened the door and that somebody was Harley behind the door. He closed the door and sat next to me. "Hey darling. Why did you run off?" He asked. "Dad was embarrassing me againnnn.." I said. "Typical pietro of the stories you've told me from insta!" He said and laughed. I just melted like ice-cream from how cute his laugh was. "We just found out my plane was cancelled completely and the next one is next week because something broke and the other ones are really busy and old man didn't plan for this so I'll need to sleep with you for the next week.. you okay with that darling?" Harley asked. "Sure! It's no biggie!" I said fastly as my blush got harder thinking about it. I'm gonna sleep with my crush for a week! I don't know if I can tell him my feelings but maybe I will... well maybe I will ask him out...

Literally feel dead from a party and I needed to write thisss
Sorry if it's short for you
I tried but didn't have much motivation only in the Harley part I had motivation...
Words: 807

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