Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater

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It had been a few weeks since Kaleb and I hung out, but we've been texting nonstop. His youngest sisters were adorable, and his older brother... Whew chile; lemme just tell you, good genes run in that family. Kaleb actually asked me out a few days after we hung out, and we've just made it official.

Halloween was right around the corner, I had a boyfriend, life was finally treating me right; everything was finally looking up for me. (lmao can't relate... 2020)

Grace was over at my apartment because we were having another girls night, but instead of Marley and Me we were watching Mean Girls... a classic.

"Hey, I'm having a Halloween party Saturday, you wanna come?" Grace said, pausing the movie.

"At your place?"


"Bet. I'll be there. Is it a costume party?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Even better."

My phone went off with a message, I checked it, and immediately I felt my heart drop. It was from Kaleb, but it was a picture of him kissing Charlotte.

"That bitch!" I said louder than I probably should've

"What? What's wrong?"

"Look" I said handing Grace my phone.

"Is that..."




"Next time I see her it's on sight."

"Grace you couldn't even kill a fly." I said with hot tears streaming down my face, "she couldn't let me have one thing."

"Nope, but that's because she's jealous of you and all of your success."

"Still doesn't make it right."

"No, but we thought she changed. Obviously not."

"Yeah... I guess."

"Do you want some space?"

"Yeah, thanks."

I crochet when I'm sad. It's a weird hobby... I know, but it helps a lot. And lucky... well unlucky for me I'm sad a lot, which means I've gotten pretty good at crocheting. I ended up crocheting 3 little pumpkins, and them because it was 7:00 am I decided to go to Walmart to start building my costume. I had the perfect idea. JoJo Siwa.

At Walmart I bought, a rainbow tutu, stick on gems, iridescent pants, a JoJo unicorn bow, and a bright blue shirt. When I got home, I copied one of her t-shirt designs in my cricut and got to work. Once I was done, there was a rainbow unicorn and sparkly wording on the shirt. After that, I bedazzled my jean jacket and converse, to complete the "iconic JoJo" look. Allin all, it took about 14 hours, so I was ready for bed, and thankfully Grace'sparty was the next day. 

The next morning, well afternoon; I woke up about 3:45, I got changed into grubby clothes and went across the hall to Grace's apartment. "What's up loser?" she said as I walked in the door.

"Need any help?"

"Nah. I'm all done. Fyi people are going to becoming soon so go get changed." She exclaimed while ushering me out her door.

So, I did as I was told; I went home and put the look all together. I put my hair into a high, side, ponytail, and wore neon, glittery eyeshadow. I pulled my tutu on over my pants, slid on my jean jacket, threw my shoes on, and I was out the door and back at Grace's.

She whipped open the door and burst out laughing. "Oh. My. God. That is amazing."

"Thank you, thank you" I said while bowing.

I was the first one there, as usual, so she took the time to admire my costume.

Corey was the second to arrive and he looked shocked when he saw me, "Ok.. so best costume goes to Elliott."

"Aww thanks."

"Who are you even supposed to be?" he questioned

"JoJo Siwa. Duh."

Eventually, the whole team arrived, all in costume. I ended up sitting next to Alex Nylander, who was wearing a bucket hat, clout goggles, and a red jumpsuit looking thing.

"I- who are you?" I asked

"My brother."

"Wow. Could it get anymore generic?"

Just then Kirby walked over, dressed as a frat boy.

"Never mind, Alex, I stand corrected."

"I- Wha- Who- What is that costume?" Kirby asked laughing his ass off.

"JoJo Siwa."


"She was on Dance Moms. Sad thing is, she's like 16 or something and is making about 124 times as much money as me."

As the night went on, everyone progressively got sloppier and sloppier. Even me, and I don't drink, well because it's illegal, but it's a Canadian party.

I was about three drinks in of Grace's "Must-have Magic Maker" and I don't know what's in there, but it's A LOT.

I eventually found myself out on the balcony with Kirby, and a bunch of his teammates and their significant others. He grabbed my waist, pulled me in closer to him, and rested his forehead on mine. I could feel his warm breath as contrasted against the snow that was falling all around us. (Yes. It did snow on Halloween. Yes. It was weird. Even for us Illinoisans.)

He moved in closer, his eyes darting from my lips back up to my eyes. I was drunk, and couldn't really move, until he did. His hands were on my waist, my arms were wrapped around his neck. I was looking up towards him at a slight angle, whereas he was looking down slightly, our eyes glued onto each other's. And then he did it. He interlocked our lips and the sparks flew.

Yes, it was my first kiss, but I knew it was meant to be.

Everything was perfect, until some guy called out my name from inside, "Elliott!"



Who's the guy?!

Will Elliott and Kirby get together? Or was it one drunken "mistake"?

EDIT: The hawks beat the oilers 6-4 and Patty K's goal should've counted but oh well 😔


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