The Worst Things Happen to The Best People

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Quick lil A/N

I decided to change Elliott a little... she's still going to medical school, but is an olympic hopeful for the USA 2022 Winter Olympics Figureskating Team :)

Everything was perfect, until some guy called out my name from inside, "Elliott!"

I sobered up very quickly, and everything that had just happened came rushing back to me. I pulled away from Kirby, but his hand lingered on my waist.

The next thing I know, my eyes lock onto Kaleb's. As soon as he spotted me, he rushed over and started yelling at me, "Did you just kiss him? I thought I was your boyfriend!"

"Last time I checked, you cheated, and therefore we're not together anymore."

"W-what do you mean? I didn't cheat on you!"

"Yes, you did. I have literal photo proof that you did."

"I don't follow."

"You literally sent me a photo of you kissing another girl!" I left out the part that I knew her.

"I sen- you weren't supposed to get that."

"I guess not. But I just assumed that you sent it to me on purpose... and therefore we broke up."

"I, yeah. Shit. Shit. I'm sorry. I'm a horrible person."

"Yeah, you are. So, leave. Go and take your pity party somewhere else." 

And with that, he left. My night wasn't ruined by any means, because I quickly slipped back into my drunken state. I danced with Kirby all night long, occasionally getting another drink from Grace.

I woke up the next morning, blinded by the sunlight, and with a splitting headache. I rolled over onto my left side and screamed. Immediately waking up the guy sleeping next to me.

"Holy shit. What the hell?"

He rolled over, and it was Kirby, so I was a little relieved, "Did we...." I looked down, and thankfully all my clothes were still on; minus the jacket, tutu, and shoes, "Oh we didn't, thank God."

"What's wrong?" Kirby asked, sitting up to look at me, revealing his morning voice and um... can I just say... wow, "Oh shit." He said surprised once he realized it was me next to him, "What... happened..."


"Okay... that's... good... I guess."

"Yeah, um, I'm getting advil. Do you want some?"

"Uh... yeah. 2 please."

"Sure thing."

I returned with a glass of water and two advils. This was wack. Walking into your room and seeing someone in your bed. Is this what marriage is like?



"No problem."

"I know this isn't my place to ask but um... did you uh... know the uh... girl he cheated on you with?"

"Uh... yeah. Actually, um we w- we were best friends."

"Oh shit. Really? Wow. How long were you guys friends?"

"Ten years."

"Wow. Ten years down the drain because of some boy. If one of my friends did that to me I- I don't know how I would react."

"It wasn't over a boy."

"Oh, so did it happen before you met him?"

"Yeah. She was always toxic, but I never realized it. I was just happy to have a friend to go through high school with. A popular friend at that. We went to a small private school when we were younger, and we were the only ones going to the public school. Everything was fine, until graduation. She didn't invite me to her grad party, but I was fine with it because I assumed we would do something separate, like we always did. I invited her to mine, but she didn't show up. I've texted her to try and talk, but I'm always left on 'read' or delivered. She deleted every picture we had together off her Instagram, every video we made on her youtube, and every tweet she either retweeted from me or any tweet about me. Looking back, she just used me as a crutch, a safety net if you will. She just wanted to make sure that there was always someone for her to fall back on if any of her other friends dropped her. And sure, I have other friends, but none of them were the same or will ever be the same as mine and Charlotte's. And to this day, I have no idea what happened between us, or why we stopped being friends." (hehe based on a true story that happened sophmore year to your's truly :])

"Damn. That must've sucked."

"Yeah, it did. I was actually going to bring some of her stuff over today, so I should probably get on that."

"I have practice in 3 hours so I should go too."

"I'll show ya out."

I walked over to the front door, Kirby trailing behind making sure he had everything.

"Thanks for letting me crash. Oh, by the way, your bed is extremely comfy." He said stepping out of my apartment and into the hallway while I giggled, "And you're incredibly strong," He said gently kissing my lips.

I blushed, hard. He pulled away, slowly making his way down towards the stairs, "and you're cute when you blush!" He called out before disappearing down the stairs.

I grinned, and Grace's door opened. She didn't notice me because a certain Swede was blocking her view. He leaned down to kiss her and I squealed, internally of course. He walked towards the stairs that Kirby had just disappeared down, and that's when her eyes found mine.

"D- did- you- saw- I- everything?"

"Yes. You're as red as a fire truck! What did that man do to you?"

"I don't know, but I could say the same thing about you."

"I- what?? Me?? Psshhh. No. Never." I shut the door, trying to save myself from further embarrassment.

I had to hurry if I wanted to catch Charlotte's mom before she went to work, because confrontation is a big no no.

I quickly threw on an oversized champion sweatshirt; plaid grey pants with blue, white, and black in them; white socks that I scrunched down; and my black high top converse.

I grabbed my keys, Charlotte's box of stuff, and a water. I quickly ran down to my car and drove the ever so familiar path over to her mom's house. Saying I was nervous was an understatement. I was going to be seeing a woman I called my second mom for the first time in months because of her daughter. I hoped Charlotte didn't tell her mom what happened, but I wish she did at the same time because hopefully it'll be less awkward that way.

After a seemingly quick 30 minute drive, I arrived at Ms. Adams' house. The garage was open, as usual, and her car was still sitting there. I quickly hopped out of my car and basically ran up to the door. I pressed the doorbell, and sucked in my breath, hoping Charlotte wouldn't answer, but from the looks of it; she isn't home.

"Oh, hi Elliott! It's been forever since I last saw you! How are you?" Ms. Adams said opening the door with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"I'm good Ms. Adams." I responded giving her a faint smile in return

"How many times do I have to tell you; you can call me Cindy! Charlotte isn't here right now dear. I'll have her head over to your apartment later, ok?"

"Uh. No. Ms- Cindy, that's ok. I was just dropping off all the things she left at my apartment." I said handing her the box.

"Oh, ok then." She said, the smile slowly slipping off her face.

"Um. If you could just give that to her, that'd be great. Yeah. Thanks." I said, turning around towards my car with tears stinging in my eyes.

"Listen sweetie, I don't know what happened between you two, but I hope you can work it out. Charlotte hasn't been the same. She's skipping skating lessons, spending nights out, and not telling me anything."

She's skipping lessons? She is my biggest competitor. We were going to go to the olympics together. Weird.

"Oh, um. Sorry to hear that." I said turning back around, "but I don't think that'll happen." I said underneath my breath, "I've got to get going, I have a lot on my plate; Skating, school, a job. It was nice seeing you again. Bye" I said getting into my car. but for some reason, that "bye" hurt a lot.

"Bye sweetie. Take care!" She said waving, with that classic smile back on her face; except this time you could see the hurt in her eyes, as I backed out of the ever so familiar driveway, for the last time.


The Charlotte situation has finally been explained! 

Will they ever become friends again? Will they solve their fued?

Don't forget to vote and let me know how you like it so far!



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