Chapter 8: Tomb of Horror

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The sky was dim and gloomy, and it was about to start raining. Bae City was half wet already from an apparent earlier rainstorm. The streets had still have some puddles here and there. The Annual Grand Prix was over by that point, and the hype and excitement deminished.

At Team Nora headquarters, which was only a two floor building, the overall atmosphere was way too quiet than the usual. It was as gloomy and dim as the sky. The workshop was the only lit place in the entire establishment. There, Herc and Jeremiah were sitting quietly with both of them staring at the floor. Nobody could look the other in the eye, or even say anything. But this state was eating Jeremiah from the inside. He mustered all the nerve he got, and uttered "...I'm.. sorry, I let you down..."
Herc raised his head reluctantly, "...No, don't you ever say that!"
"It was my fault...." Jeremiah continued. "If I did my job better, you would've.."
"Not true!" Herc raised his voice. "It was MY fault, Jeremy! I lost control.."
"I can't.. just turn my back on it!" Jeremiah replied. "I know exactly how bad you wanted to win, and get that ship.."
"Well, I lost fair and square.." Herc put his hand on Jeremiah's shoulder. "Honestly, if it weren't for your hard work, it  wouldn't be possible to go that far!"
"Captain..!" Jeremiah muttered as he saw him smiling. Herc's words brought back the colors to Jeremiah's gloomy mindset.
"Anybody seen choir boy?" Libruou hurried into the workshop.
"I haven't seen him around at all." Jeremiah answered.
"Oh, for shit sake!" Libruou rushed outside, but Jerrmiah tried to stop her.
"It's gonna rain! Where do you think yo.." he tried to say, but Libruou ignored him, and went out to look for Jaden.
It must be harder on you, boy, Herc thought.

Meanwhile, Jaden was slowly walking loosely through some dark alley. He was plunged in sadness and despair, and his mind was full of thousands of dark thoughts. He kept on dragging his feet slowly as if the coat he was wearing weighed a thousand pound. Although absent minded, Jaden noticed holographic adds as he passes by. They were all about either clubbing, prostitution, or other kinds of intimate entertainment. Jaden stopped walking, and stood in front on of these conventional places as rain poured down.

"Yeah, I saw somebody looking like that! He'd probably gone by that road." said some guy wearing leather vest on skin. He was leaning against the wall.
"Alright thanks," said Libruou who kept on walking in spite of the rain. "I'll get you another boost really soon!"

Minutes later, the raining has stopped. Libruou kept searching for Jaden in every corner and alley. She almost ran out of stamina before she finally found him sitting near an edge by a waterway. She couldn't see his face as he was looking down at the water.
"So, you were here after all!" Libruou sighed. "What are you doing anyway?!"
Jaden gave her no response. Libruou then, sat right next to him. She gazed at the water that was few meters below her feet. "What are you gonna do now?.." she asked.
"What's there to do?.." Jaden replied in quiet broken voice. "I lost my way outta here.."
"So, what?! There's next year!" Libruou yelled.
"So, I might as well trash myself here for a year.." he replied.
"You never know, maybe something else ends up happening! Maybe someone is gonna show up.." she tried to comfort him.
"Nothing will happen!" Jaden yelled. "I've failed... I couldn't make it.."
"Let time take care of that!" she said. "Think about what you should do for now."
"Oh, yeah!" Jaden cracked a broken smile. "Imma think about getting laid.. and wasted.."
"Is that so?!" Libruou giggled. "That's why you came to this area, huh?! So, did you do it, church boy?"
Jaden smiled in disbelief and shook his head. "I just couldn't ever see the world that way.."
Libruou wrapped her arm around Jaden's soaking wet body. "Listen you stupid virgin who don't know how to treat a lady! How about we get back and dry you off?"
They both got up, and headed back to Headquarters.

After they got back, Nico hurried towards them, only to find Libruou closing the living-room door.
"What's going on?!" Nico asked. "You found Mr. Jaden?"
"Yeah," she said. "He's curling on the couch.." Libruou stopped Nico as she tried to push her way in.
"Get outta the way!" Nico cried.
"What's the matter with you?!" Libruou pushed her back.
"I wanna give Mr. Jaden something! That's all.." Nico insisted.
Libruou took a look at what Nico was holding. "Oh Nico, that's so sweet!" she explained. "But Jaden has just lost something he wanted so bad! This might not be the right time for this. He needs some space.."

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